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  1. T


    This is going to be an abandoned and/or overrun basement beneath the ocean, I'm planning to add much more detail than in my previous maps (while keeping the FPS stable ofc). Hopefully it's going to be really spooky ;-) Preview:
  2. T


    Hi there! I'm working on a new map (taking up the idea of floating_rock and improving it). Some features: - There will be no falling damage - When you jump down you get teleported back up (into the teal circle) - More creative camping spots - Extra area(s) depending on the number of...
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    Hi there! Since my previous map (mars_wasteland) wasn't very successful due to basic gameplay issues, I decided to make a complete new map (with the same theme) instead of trying to update it any further. I'm not sure if this one is all right yet, but I'd like to see how it plays before I spend...
  4. T

    Nicer lila panic version?

    There are a lot of nice lila panic remakes, maybe we could try one of those instead of the fugly original? This looks nice:
  5. T

    Working on new hunting map

    Hi there, since I got pretty bored by the few and fullbright maps that are played on V1 all day long, and my old zombie maps aren't really good for hunting, I decided to make a new one. It is supposed to have elements from office outbreak and maybe cbble. I attached some work-in-progress...