Search results

  1. J1angzzz

    [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: 추털이

    Name 추털이 SteamID # 21476 "추털이" [U:1:121878870] 57:31 299 0 active Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date 2024.9.9 14.00 Report Reason Blocking/Ruining the gameplay Additional Information Sorry, my English is not good,This player deliberately blocked...
  2. J1angzzz

    All of us should be equal and free, but some people are often insulted by racists. I hope we can...

    All of us should be equal and free, but some people are often insulted by racists. I hope we can help each other instead of hurting each other.
  3. J1angzzz

    [Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

    Ingame name 丁真 Steam profile link SteamID 丁真 Age 21 Location china English knowledge Intermediate Other languages Chinese and a little Japanese Previous bans Because of racial discrimination, I was forbidden to speak twice for...