A lot maps I have tested!


New Member
5 Sep 2014
NRW, Warstein
Good evening everyone,
I have tested some new maps, that would fit pretty good on EH-Servers. I played a lot on different other servers(e.g. UKLP) and those servers were always completely filled. I loved the maps they had and would like to share those maps with you and the community. It would be nice, if you could take some time and check them out ;)

This is the list I made:
http://gamebanana.com/csszm/maps/"Enter number here"
14278 -> lila panic normal
14758 -> lab panic b 3
20178 -> fiddler's green
24332 -> fubar towers fixed
22330 -> christmas city
23586 -> mayan v2
23529 -> tension tf2 vx
28914 -> atix helicopter
31676 -> moonlight
31356 -> roy the ship
34723 -> black lion v8
13607 -> ocx orly b3

http://de.warcmaps.com/CS_S_ZombieMod/"Enter map name here"
zm_roy_barricade_factory ->roy barricade factory
zm_little_city_v7_roy -> little city v7 roy
zm_roy_zombieranch_night_b4 -> zombieranch night b4
zm_bphx_reactor_v4_2 -> bphx reactor v4 2

http://de.warcmaps.com/CS_S_ZombieMod/zm-labor_gigantic -> labor gigantic

As I said earlier, those maps were really often played and the players liked them. I am pretty sure you know the most of them. The good old times ;)
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