Name Bitcoin is dead => $4k
SteamID [U:1:163237675]
Server Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date 23.1.2018 - 16:20 GMT +2
Ban Reason Blocking, Teamkilling
Additional Information
Player was blocking his teammates attempting to teamkill by making them fall on the solid ground.
(Jumping on his head then he'd fastly move towards the edge and people would fall down.)
Demo does show him block 2 mates until they get infected.
Earlier killed someone by blocking them on top of the 'quick-elevator' so the player fell back on the elevator and died.
(Unfortunately have no proof of that happening.)
Demo also shows people complain about his actions.
Proof Demo
SteamID [U:1:163237675]
Server Zombie Hunting V1
Time and Date 23.1.2018 - 16:20 GMT +2
Ban Reason Blocking, Teamkilling
Additional Information
Player was blocking his teammates attempting to teamkill by making them fall on the solid ground.
(Jumping on his head then he'd fastly move towards the edge and people would fall down.)
Demo does show him block 2 mates until they get infected.
Earlier killed someone by blocking them on top of the 'quick-elevator' so the player fell back on the elevator and died.
(Unfortunately have no proof of that happening.)
Demo also shows people complain about his actions.
Proof Demo