Ban Request: Darkheart


Well-Known Member
21 Feb 2011
Name: Darkheart

SteamID: I lost it :(

Server: Zombie Hunting V2

Time and Date: 12:43 GMT+3 ; 14.07.2013

Reason: Bad Spraylogo

Additional Information: Porn spray.

Proof: Screenshot

I lost the steam id. Forgot to copy it from console, but as you can see it was cbble around 12:40 am. So maybe you could check the logs and find it.
Are you 100 % sure that its Darkheart's spray (and not the one behind it?)

Because if I remember correctly I kicked some other guy for exactly that spray yesterday...
But I am not completly sure tho..
That isnt Darkheart's spray.
It was someone else.
I am sure. The other spray was put there while I was watching. And I already saw that the porn one was Darkheart's.
I found this guy now.
His name is ''AWESOME GUY YOU KNOW''.
He is now banned.
Thanks for the report vaalaria.