Ban Request: Kenzo


Ex Admin
7 Jun 2015
Name: Kenzo

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:161269615

Server: Zombie Hunting V1

Time and Date: today an hour ago

Reason: Teaming, Game/Map exploit, Blocking, Teamkilling, Barricade destroying

Additional Information: already known as a rulebreaker, KENZO has literally gone rogue the last few days. when admins aren't present he blocks, teams, destroys barricade, teamkill, and camps on the red platform.

during the 4way game in which i recorded the demo, kenzo closed the doors on me and another player killing us both , he blocked many players in the roof camp, and he camped on the red platfrom for a full round.

this guys has been warned, and whatever anyone says to him, his only reply is always ":D".

Proof: DemoView attachment kenzo red platform.dem
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Reactions: Angel DeathKing

Angel DeathKing

Well-Known Member
31 May 2014
England, London
Hello Mariohaddad92

I will take your case and ill have a look at the demo. Please be patient and ill take a look into it.

Thank you for understand that this will take a bit of time to look at it.
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