Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk


4 Jul 2014
Name: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

SteamID: 123456789

Server: Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date: 19/01/2015 13:15

Reason: Blocking

Additional Information: Lonesurvivor always block ladder or something like that. Was on 4way, you can check my chatlog, i saw lonesurvivor blocks the ladder and i said in the chat. In the same round, at the end, we were lonesurvivor and me, hunt together at the bottom of the ladder, adn at this moment, i knew he will block me in the ladder if he can (yes because after my denounciation, he followed me). And guess what ? He did it ! He ALWAYS do that, ALWAYS ! It's explain my "rulebreak of vocabulary", sorry for that... I've not a real clue, just this screenshot.

Proof: Screenshot

Hello Tyler,

We do not ban players that block/team based on the evidence which you've just provided (a screenshot). If you can deliver to us a demo of this player blocking and generally breaking the rules (or any other player as a matter of fact for future reference), then we will be more than happy to assist you with punishing the player appropriately for disrupting the gameplay of other players.
Also, be cautious of how many times admins warn you not to troll/provoke other people.

-cHeT [BeWasted]
Okay I note, but watch this guy, it wasn't the first time, i saw him do it everytime. By the way, how can i record to make a demo ? With Fraps ? So i need to record my game everytime ?

For my troll/provoke, it's the Tyler personality. I play a game in the game. I think you know Tyler Durden ! To come back to the game, for real, i'm not insulting and no provoking admin, it's really to joke. I like to tease others players who i like, it's just that. Don't see Tyler as an annoying guy, but like a funny guy... Who is the BEST PLAYER EVER :-D
Hello Tyler,

You need a demo, not a video. A demo can be recorded by opening up your console and typing in "record <name>", and when you wish to stop recording, you type "stop". Then you navigate to your counter-strike:source/cstrike folder and grab the demo, upload it on the forum (preferably) or some sharing site and post it here as evidence. After the admins review your demo, we will judge if the player deserves a punishment or not.

Regarding the personality. I'm familiar with the Tyler Durden character, but every banter has its own line. Repeating the last sentence you wrote in your reply (best player ever) or similar, over and over is considered provoking/trolling. If you are to troll a friend of yours, that's fine, but lines such as those indicate the reply towards the entirety of the server's population which is currently online. As in my previous reply I've stated, please keep it to a certain level.
Please do deliver a demo of the player to us and we will be glad to help you out in punishing this player's bad behavior.

-cHeT [BeWasted]
Okay but one question for the demo. If the player do a bad act and i start to record just after, so we couldn't see the "bad act" ?

I will try to be less annoying. But Tyler often does some spectacular kills and it's impressive !
Hello Tyler,

If you've started to record the demo after the rule breaking that the person did, then you would have to catch him doing it again, i.e. manage to record the demo of him breaking the rules next time. Why? Because a ban is a serious matter and we will not ban/punish players based on assumptions and pure ascertainment.

Hopefully you will since other players enjoy the game as well and we would like for everyone to enjoy themselves without other players disrupting that. You'd understand if somebody was to start provoking you. As long as it's up to a line, everything will be fine. Thank you for your co-operation Tyler and see you online!

-cHeT [BeWasted]