Ban Request: Lowsco_swiss


New Member
16 Aug 2013
Name: Lowsco_swiss

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13346862

Server: Zombie Hunting V1

Time and Date: 16.08.2013 04:02

Reason: Game/Map exploit

Additional Information: Roofcamping

Proof: Demo

I dont know how to upload this Demo
Last edited:
I dont know how to upload this Demo

Hey Miighty, I know i'm not an admin so I shouldn't really be posting here, but this is how you add a demo:

1. Make one (Type "record" and a name into the console (obviously)).
2. Get it. (Assuming you're on windows) To find your demo, go into steam and navigate to your games. Next, right click "Counter-Strike: Source", and click on properties. Then navigate to the 'local files' tap in the properties window. You should then see a "BROWSE LOCAL FILES..." button, click that. Once you've done that it should have loaded up a windows explorer. From there, go into the 'cstrike' folder and in there you should see a list of .dem files and .vpk files, find your demo there.
3. (optional) Put this file on your desktop as it's easier to navigate to the desktop :)

That's the obvious part, To upload it onto these forums is simple:

1. Click on 'edit', then go down and click on the 'Go Advanced' button.
2. Click on the 'Manage Attachments'.
3. Another browser should pop up. from there you just need to click 'Add Files', navigate to your demo, and click upload (same goes for screenshots).
4. Once it's uploaded, you can close that window and it should say that your demo is attached. If all that is correct just click save changes and you should have successfully uploaded your demo :)

  • Like
Reactions: Twice and NoMatt3r
The Demo

Name: Lowsco_swiss

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13346862

Server: Zombie Hunting V1

Time and Date: 16.08.2013 04:02

Reason: Game/Map exploit

Additional Information: Roofcamping

Proof: Demo

I dont know how to upload this Demo

Now i got the Demo


  • 16080400.dem
    16 MB · Views: 305