Handled Ban Request: Nadal and Monopol


14 Jan 2016
Name Nadal and Monopol
SteamID U:1:84640024 and U:1:880448507
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 09/24/2018

Ban Reason Teamkilling
Additional Information
Caught both attempting to TK multiple times during the round. They were able to get away with it until i started recording
Proof Demo
nadal tk.jpg
nadal tk.jpg
I tried but the file got deleted. You can still see from the video their names and their rule breaking
Hello and thank you for reporting.
As Lotus has told you before, please send actual demos in the future.
In my opinion, the rule breaking is clear and vivid in your Vimeo, and according to both of the players recent ban history, I've decided to handle this request and ban both participants.
1. Nadal
2. Monopol