Handled Ban Request: Playa003


25 Mar 2019
Name Playa003
SteamID U:1:96002044
Server Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 6:40pm

Ban Reason Blocking
Additional Information
Playa003 and another player (+ | CodE [R]eD)[U:1:100165892] Were blocking the train on the map. There were humans at the teleport we were trying to kill.

Right after this round, code jumped up on the train, shot the box away and then blocked others who then turned.
Proof Demo


  • demobind.dem
    1.1 MB · Views: 151
Hey Naslund, I just viewed the demo and my honest thought are that, CodE [R]eD was sittin right there making it hard for other zombies to get up, while the other player(playa003) was walking back and forth alot, however they both did block in their own way.
Especially when theres CT's on the platform its a bit of a scum move to block that teleporter, Its kinda like blocking and somewhat teaming in one go.

I've decided to ban them both for now, seeing as It's CodE [R]eD first ban, he will get a 8h ban for blocking. Click me to view ban
Playa003 has received a ban for blocking sometime ago, and will now get a one day ban cooldown. Can also view here.

Thanks for the request.
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