Name: TV test jojokills59
SteamID: [U:1:160470808]
Server: ScoutKniveZ
Time and Date: 19:30
Reason: Game/Map exploit
Additional Information: This player spawnkilling after he was told numerous times to stop. At first he was saying that the terrorists were in his territory (I began recording after). When I began recording he continued and told me that the terriorist was camping. I kept referring him to the rules but he didnt listen.
Proof: Demo
SteamID: [U:1:160470808]
Server: ScoutKniveZ
Time and Date: 19:30
Reason: Game/Map exploit
Additional Information: This player spawnkilling after he was told numerous times to stop. At first he was saying that the terrorists were in his territory (I began recording after). When I began recording he continued and told me that the terriorist was camping. I kept referring him to the rules but he didnt listen.
Proof: Demo