Ban Request: un2


New Member
30 Oct 2016
Name: un2

SteamID: U:1:126858

Server: Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date: 23:27 30/10/2016

Reason: Barricade destroying

Additional Information: Several times in same map and i was saying him to stop

Proof: Demo
Niko has written a helpful post on how to add a demo to your ban request.

1. Find your request/post on the forum
2. Click on 'edit', then go down and click on the 'Go Advanced' button.
3. Click on the 'Manage Attachments'.
4. Another browser should pop up. from there you just need to click 'Add Files', navigate to your demo/screenshot, and click upload.
5. Once it's uploaded, you can close that window and it should say that your demo/screenshot is attached. If all that is correct just click save changes and you should have successfully uploaded your demo