Ban Request: ﮔuper__MΞN


Well-Known Member
4 Apr 2014
Hello lost and thanks for reporting this player.
I have watched your demo but im sorry I can't and would not ban him for teamkilling.
Because let me tell it like that: The door got already closed as you was behind the wall. It is maybe correct that super-man did closed it but its not enough on the demo, better: ITS NOT A REAL PROOF.. Because on the right from super-man there was another player running on the same way... So he can did it too. Why are you so sure that it was super-man ? :)..

You know we can ban him and if he complain about it, we would have a big trouble because it isn't allowed us to ban people without seeing that by ourself or without good proofs. I have watched the demo with sv_impacts command so I have seen trhough the wall, there was a shot on the button before you got the door on your screen, so I can't recognize who of these 2 players did closed it in real. Im sorry, maybe you have a bit luck and another admin can see more on the demos.

Kindly Regards,


Ex Admin
14 Oct 2014
Slow down the video and you can see it is him. look at the all players that he closed door on. Its not right to close door in the beggnning of a round when load of people try to escape. Look at the door, not that one i can from but the other one, see all the player that was trying to run there? They became zombies... I wasent me that got the door closed, but them from the other side. :/ ps. Written from ipad, might not br 100% right written :p Maybe you missunderstood it, but i mean those people that ran the from other door, not me :)