Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: D3LTA

23 Apr 2024
Name D3LTA

SteamID [U:1:75393872]

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 8:46:36 AM

Report Reason Destroying barricades of teammates

Additional Information
Why don''t you guyz take action am i fool that i keep posting record demos and making too much effort for each posts, HE IS DESTROYING PROP ON PURPOSE LOOK AT BEGINNING AND END OF DEMO, NOW DONT START YAPPING OH THIS IS NOT PERFECTLY MOLDED POST JUST TAKE ACTION

Proof Demo


  • delta cheater.png
    delta cheater.png
    10.8 KB · Views: 34
  • delta.dem
    17.6 MB · Views: 28
This is the last warning for you! Do not waste our time! The player didn't destroy any barricade, it is you who have shoot a wheelbarrel towards the player, the same scenario as in your last post on dust 2.