Name δΙΠKΙ
SteamID [U:1:1265298339]
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 24/02/2023 13:00h
Report Reason Cheating/Hacking
Additional Information
Spotted using aimbot. The demo doesn't show their name at the bottom while I'm spectating for some reason, but you can see them getting two consecutive kills at the start of the first demo. Sleazy witnessed this too.
Proof Demo
SteamID [U:1:1265298339]
Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3
Time and Date 24/02/2023 13:00h
Report Reason Cheating/Hacking
Additional Information
Spotted using aimbot. The demo doesn't show their name at the bottom while I'm spectating for some reason, but you can see them getting two consecutive kills at the start of the first demo. Sleazy witnessed this too.
Proof Demo