[fix needed] ZM_MARBBLE_SUMMER


Well-Known Member
10 Apr 2021

Hello HunterZ,
Here is another map into Summer theme, today it's... as you can see on the title, Marbble !
A lot of thing has been added since the last map CBBLE_Summer.

  • News Props
  • One Secret added (Skybox during 20secondes).
  • News decorations / Neons effects (Decals too).
  • Reworked some rooms (see pictures).
  • Barril replaced by Pirate barril (with the same physic).

Good luck for the secret and... have fun!​

if you find some problems / errors, don't hesitate to contact me via Steam or to post a message here.

bsp :


  • zm_marbble_summer.bsp
    43 MB · Views: 145
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Nice to see your Effort for making Summer Edition Maps. Great Work, hope to play on those Maps soon. 😁 Are you planing more?
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Nice to see your Effort for making Summer Edition Maps. Great Work, hope to play on those Maps soon. 😁 Are you planing more?
Thank you @Ciftyfent ! And I think I will work on 1 or 2 maps. Maybe Zm_Westwood and Zm_Palace. I have a lot of idea on my head.
Importing props / decorations and more is not a anymore a problem for me. ;)
Great to hear that! Pls make more Superman Knifes like in crazy City 🤣. Westwood Sounds Great
Great to hear that! Pls make more Superman Knifes like in crazy City 🤣. Westwood Sounds Great
I had ideas like: Changing a player's gravity, but that would be unfair to other players, another idea of being "semi-invisible" (seeing only the player's knife that finds a secret item), but that would displease a lot of players, so I'm trying to find a happy medium and I'm still digging to find out what to add fun that remains correct in everyone's eyes. ;)

Final Update :

  • Crate breakable fixed*
  • Missings decals fixed*
  • Adding some news textures.
  • Prop missing fixed*
(Thank you @Soup^ to helped me to find some problems)



  • zm_marbble_summer_v1.bsp
    52.7 MB · Views: 135
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uploaded 4 testing on both servers
Hello Dr F,

not sure the lightning is meant to be that bright? I mean one can hardly recognize the cocktail icons.


Outside it seems to be too bright too:

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Unfortunately i dont remember mate.

What I remember is: in 99% of cases it's the mappers PC system and/or hammer, in which HDR is activated. I am not a mapper but I am pretty sure @SOUR knows about this bug :p. Maybe he can help you.
Unfortunately i dont remember mate.

What I remember is: in 99% of cases it's the mappers PC system and/or hammer, in which HDR is activated. I am not a mapper but I am pretty sure @SOUR knows about this bug :p. Maybe he can help you.
Sometimes its because you are copying the tonemap controller into a new map which copies the settings from that other map to your new map, but the way i do is when ive compiled the map and put all the custom stuff with vide and saved the bsp i go into css open the map and type in

sv_cheats 1
map <mapname>
mat_specular 0

and if hdr is enabled it will become disabled when you put mat_hdr_enable which is what we want.
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