
Ex Admin
25 Aug 2012

so I'm currently facing a problem regarding my FPS ingame. I've always had low fps on EH Servers, I just kinda blamed it on my bad CPU (i5 3470), so I upgraded it a month ago.

New CPU is a i7 7700k @ 4,7Ghz. I completely reinstalled Win 10 and was hopping to get constant 250+ FPS. However it's still lagging. (I added a screenshot, 40 players playing)

I play the game in 1280x960 black-bars on (almost) lowest settings. My graphics card is a R9 290, but I heard the Source Engine is very CPU-heavy.

One thing I noticed. My FPS in CS:GO are just fine. As soon as I start CS:GO, CPU temperatures increase and so does the fanspeed.
In CS:S? Nothing.
I get up to 77° in CS:GO, while I usually don't go over 50° in Source.

Anyone had similiar problems and fixed them?



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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the fps for any game more controlled by your graphics card? I have the same cpu as you but when I'm on css I rarely get lower than 200fps and on csgo I have anywhere from 200-300fps.

I looked it up quickly and maybe you need to check your graphics card driver? On a forum I checked it was saying something about how if you're running an old graphics card an update may come out for the driver but it shouldn't be updated as it isn't good for the graphics card.
Lotus is right FPS is normally a Graphics Card issue its either youre Graphic Card cant handle it or you need an update
Afaik the better a game is optimized, the more your FPS are dependent on the graphics card. CS:S, CS:GO and Arma 3 are exceptions however (The graphics card matters too, but not nearly as much as it would in other games)
The driver problem was AMD switching from Catalyst to Crimson I think. That isn't a problem anymore, they fixed the FPS problems roughly a year ago.

The graphics card isn't anything special. It cost 350€ when I bought it 3 years ago, so it should be on a level with current 150€ cards. It's still weird that your FPS seem to be much better than mine. May I ask which graphics card you use?
i just saw a post saying CSGO use more CPU than GPU heres a post if that can help you.

-CS:GO is CPU intensive. While in-game, open the console and type "fps_max 100". Report back if the temperature lower or not.

Check this other tip: http://www.pcgamer.com/how-to-configure-counterstrike-go-for-the-maximum-competitive-advantage/

"Make all your graphical adjustments with the knowledge that CS:GO is a CPU-limited game in general. There's no holy grail console or config command that can dramatically improve your FPS, but there are some slight tweaks we can make.

Drop all your in game graphics settings to low, disable anti-aliasing, enable multi-core rendering
Add these launch options to your launch parameters in Steam (see screenshot above):

-novid -console -high -threads 4

These commands disable the intro, enable the console, set the process affinity to high, and grant your cores to CS:GO, even though technically Source can only use 3 threads. Some players add the -processheap parameter thinking it will grant better fps, but because this substitutes Windows memory management for Valve's own code it is highly recommend to remove it."
well i went back at looked at my order

i'm actually on a i7 4790k and a R9 280X

but i have so much more fps than you, idk
Appreciate your input. My i7 got 8 threads (Hyperthreading) so I should put 8 into there, right?
I've got everything on low already :/
My CPU gets hot and is running under full load in CS:GO, and the FPS are just fine.

Weird. We should atleast have about the same FPS.
i run everything on high settings as well and i have 4x more fps than you on source xD
Strange. And I'm not even playing on full resolution.

It feels like both CPU and GPU are just sleeping during CS:S (CPU no more than 50°, GPU below 40° and fans are almost unhearable) while in CS:GO even when I'm just idling in the menu they both get loud & hot.

I have no idea why :/