Gag Request: zm_youssef_the_terminator

Crazy Apple

Active Member
12 Oct 2015
Name: zm_youssef_the_terminator

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:9158168

Server: Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date: today

Reason: Insulting/Swearing

Additional Information: Calling me Son of a bitch = Hürensöhn => Hurensohn

Proof: Screenshot 20160614141207_1.jpg
Hi Crazy apple,

the Steam-ID you posted is wrong - its actually STEAM_0:1:80645017 and therefore not the "real" zm_youssef_the_terminator ;-)
The person who insulted you is a fake person playing for a couple weeks now with youssefs name, so be careful when judging and always look at the ID (type status in console).

Nevertheless thank you for the request, he is gagged for 1 week now, due to previous gags and because his chatlog is full with further german insults.
miaumermelade, ich dachte wir wären freunde?
und dann fällst du mir in den rücken und mutest mich?

hättest auch ein auge zu drücken können. ^^