Happy birthday soph <3


Retired SPA/HA
Retired SPA/HA
27 Sep 2014
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Well, you are another year older and you haven't changed a bit. That's great because you are perfect just the way you are.


Thinking of you on your birthday, and wishing you all the best! I hope it is as fantastic as you are, you deserve the best and nothing less.


I wish that I could be the greatest friend in the world, but there is no way to be a better friend than you are.



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So after all this kindness what about a few jokes?

You should be proud of your age. This year you are wiser, smarter and very close to reaping the benefits of senior discounts

Don’t worry about getting so old. I will have the fire extinguisher ready in case your birthday cake gets out of control

It’s nice to be young, healthy and full of energy. Do you remember what that used to feel like?


Now as my walrus is yet another year older it means yet another wrinkle will appear, if there can even be more ._.

One last unique song for my best friend <3


Psst! Check your steam notifications (gifts) and look at your chat when you write in-game.
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It's still the 23rd for me so I don't have to be nice to her yet right? I'm still allowed to call her old for a few more hours, wait 24 hours, then do it some more? Sounds good I like that plan, I'm talking to myself, I'm as bored as a blobfish. Uh... Happy birthday I guess right? Well that was weird, I should stop talking, I'm not sure what I'm doing, is this weird? I can't tell, I'll shut up now

Happy Birthday soph :smile:
hahahaha havoc, i both love and hate you for this xD thank you tho gurl, and thanks for the games! i love you <3

Thanks guys, youre the best <3

And Whispo being nice, thats a first o_O
Grattis med dagen, Soph :)
Tack Kurd! :)
Stort grattis :wink:
Tack Mafia och Alawy! :) <3