Hello fellow gamers


Well-Known Member
Gameserver Admin
EliteHunterz Clan Member
15 May 2022
So I have been part of the community for like a year or so,and recently proudly became an admin,so I decided to take the courage to introduce myself to my fellow hunters/zombie gamers!
For those of you who did not see my application,I am George,22 years old and I live in the beautiful city of Volos,Greece.I currently study mechanical engineering(which has been pretty difficult for me) and partly work as a waiter at a local cafe.I have also taken barista lessons which I haven't yet practiced at a working place :confused:.What I mostly like is listening to music,playing video games of course,going to different places to meet new people and generally enjoying life as much as I can! :D

As for the game itself now,I basically grew up playing non steam CSS zombie mod v34 since 2012,mostly on russian servers with unlimited ammo,which I enjoyed very much as a kid so I am very familiar with the mode.I came back to this game for nostalgic reasons to play some good old zombie mod and found this community,which made my heart warm since this mode is still getting love after so many years.Different experience from what I knew as a child but turns out I am having way more fun playing this way(hunting) than ever before!I have met a lot of great,funny and most certainly quite a few skilled players on the servers,interactions of which I have experienced on the servers help me escape my mostly boring/sad real life and change my mood for the better!So,from the bottom of my heart,I want to say a huge THANK YOU to the elite hunters community for being the absolute best in giving this game the life it 100% deserves even after all these years since its release and for making me a less sad and more of a happy person in general!

PS:Since a lot of people seemed to have visited or liked Greece,here is a preview of what I see after walking 10 minutes from my home😍.Perfect place for some *ouzo*and many more drinks!

That was a nice read, I saw you in game but didn't know you. I am sure you will stick around, and even if you leave, you won't find the same vibe in other games or communities, so I guarantee (from personal experience ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) that you will always come back, eventually.

And yes, coming from a spaniard, Greece is a wonderful country; was in Santorini some years ago and I loved it. Mediterranean countries are the best hehe.

See you ingame!
Certainly was a nice read, you're a wholesome person dude, deserve nothing but good from life, hope this server, myself and everyone else here can contribute to you getting the best of this life.

You're definitely from among the most skilled players in my books at least, you also sport a great personality and I can vouch that you are indeed a diligent admin, I swear guys, we'll be having such good runs and he'll leave sometimes even mid run to go into spec and take care of his admin duties, no other higher level admins online, or any other admin for that matter, so I can see for sure, he's not doing it to impress or suck up to anyone, he legit cares about the well being of the server and the experience players have on it.

Really enjoyed playing with you the past few months, our discord calls lately have been especially enjoyable, I'm glad we click as well as we do there as we do in our playing style, I feel like I just keep making friends for life on this server, and you my friend, are definitely one of them, for me at least! :D
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Certainly was a nice read, you're a wholesome person dude, deserve nothing but good from life, hope this server, myself and everyone else here can contribute to you getting the best of this life.

You're definitely from among the most skilled players in my books at least, you also sport a great personality and I can vouch that you are indeed a diligent admin, I swear guys, we'll be having such good runs and he'll leave sometimes even mid run to go into spec and take care of his admin duties, no other higher level admins online, or any other admin for that matter, so I can see for sure, he's not doing it to impress or suck up to anyone, he legit cares about the well being of the server and the experience players have on it.

Really enjoyed playing with you the past few months, our discord calls lately have been especially enjoyable, I'm glad we click as well as we do there as we do in our playing style, I feel like I just keep making friends for life on this server, and you my friend, are definitely one of them, for me at least! :D
Bro I am a grown-ass man and you almost made me cry...much love to you,your kind words always help my mood <3
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Nice to meet you! And I do like Greece and ouzo. I used to work in one of the Greek hotels on the Khalkidhiki peninsula. It was a good experience, and I liked the people. Greeks have a great sense of humour and beautiful curse words. I was called a malaka so many times:)
  • Haha
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Nice to meet you! And I do like Greece and ouzo. I used to work in one of the Greek hotels on the Khalkidhiki peninsula. It was a good experience, and I liked the people. Greeks have a great sense of humour and beautiful curse words. I was called a malaka so many times:)
It was a nice read, and it reminded me we all have different paths to gaming. I used to play old strategic games a lot when I was a kid because it was my older brother's PC, and I didn’t have much choice. He liked Diablo, and I did too. Now I am even a member of the Diablo community on yesgamers.com. I don’t play that often anymore, but I will always remember those long evenings with my brother playing Diablo or Heroes of might and magic and me watching.