[Music] Post your favourite songs here

Call me, call!
Call me, for God’s sake!
Bring a silent and deep voice
Through the time!
Stars are melting away above Moscow,
Maybe I forgot my pride.
Oh, how much I want to hear a voice,
How much I want to hear a voice,
Your long-awaited voice.

Days are passing by without you.
I do not know, what is with me.
I beg you to call me,
Call me, I adjure you!
Reach me from afar!
May celestial thunder,
May celestial thunder of a phone call
Arise under this astral chasm.

Call me, call!
If I do not mean anything
In your destiny,
I will forget about you,
I will be able, I won’t cry.
Having overcome this pain,
I won’t stop breathing.
I will become happy anyway,
I will become happy anyway,
Even without you.
We scatter to run errands
Earth breaks in two
Erase me,
Look into me
Forgive me for my weakness
and for my strange, desperate love.

The lips breath out regret
We're stuck in wrong cities
Phonecalls under the moonlight
Borders under rules
I am with you
Erase me, look into me
Forgive me for my weakness
and for my strange, desperate love.

We scatter to run errands
Earth breaks in two
The lips breath out regret
We're stuck in wrong cities
Phonecalls under the moonlight
Borders under rules
I am with you
We scatter to run errands
Earth breaks in two
We go our separate ways.
The earth breaks in two
We go our separate ways
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