New maps added


Well-Known Member
EliteHunterz Clan Member
Retired SPA/HA
24 Dec 2010
This thread is for me to keep a record of maps I've uploaded and for people to make suggestions rather than creating their own thread. If you've made your own map then please do make a new thread but if you have any requests then leave them here.

Last night I uploaded to V1
zm_fidlers_green - Good map, a lot of people liked it and there isn't many camping places (not for a lot of players at least) will possibly add to nominate list.
de_westwood - Good map again, felt impossible for zombies at first but then people who hadn't played it before seemed to get used to it and it seemed pretty balanced, might upload a modded version instead of just the regular map since some people were asking for this. Some people didn't like it but a lot were loving it. Server stayed full as well!
zm_winterfun - Alright map, few spots to make barricades and quite big to run around and hunt. Big camping spot in the vent though but can be caught by smart zombies I'd imagine.
zm_wtfhax - I loved this map but it was sooo laggy, I'm talking 20 fps on an i7 laggy so there is no chance for this.
zm_lila_epic - Didn't test.
zm_atl_sunrise - Bit laggy and people didn't like it.
zm_app7e_betterbworld - Seems impossible for zombies, too campy.
zm_distortion - Not tested.

If you were on last night then and played these maps then let me know what you thought.

Thanks to advaldo also <3<3
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zm_app7e_betterbworld - Not tested.
I hope this isnt same as normal bworld
At spawn there is a biiiig place.
If there are more than 7 players, you cant win.
Wowwowow hang on tuds, zm_winterfun is not that good, skybox is wierd so you can jump out of the Map via the roofs so zombies cant get there also they can camp on top of the skybox making it almost impossible to get there. And filders Green is nice but there is actually 1 veryyyy nice camp spot for humans that is really Hard for zombies to get too, i know this cuz glatze has all these maps on his servers :)
Wowwowow hang on tuds, zm_winterfun is not that good, skybox is wierd so you can jump out of the Map via the roofs so zombies cant get there also they can camp on top of the skybox making it almost impossible to get there. And filders Green is nice but there is actually 1 veryyyy nice camp spot for humans that is really Hard for zombies to get too, i know this cuz glatze has all these maps on his servers :)

If you're talking about the fenced hut building you have to jump onto for fidlers green then ye, it's a camp spot but not impossible. Cbble has more impossible spots than most maps and yet that's always played ^^
Oh i mean dean haha, sleepy, anyway na that spot is alot harder then cbble :p ALOT haha, i love the map but its not rly a hunting map,also winterfun, glitch map :D
I again disagree, the cbble box is impossible to get if you have 5-6 good players, even bad players can survive as long as they don't edge. But anyway, the map is being tested atm so we'll see.
Only requiers 1 player on that "house" on fidlers green and its almost impossible for zombies to get up there of the player knows what to do, if he shoots down the vending machine from the house then there is Only 1 way to get there via run the fence and thats impossible then ^^ trust me.

anyway the Map is awsome one of My favourites and again remove winterfun if you have not Already, its good and fun to play but using the glitch to jump over the skybox into the trees is not so fair hehe
What? they can jump on heads and get up from the house stairs, and there's room for 2 zombies to do that. But I do agree it's too good of a spot, possibly someone in the clan or reading this can extend the window to have a ledge on the bottom so that you can jump from it to the air conditioner thing? If so please reply.
guys ive put my map on the other post could u put it on the server for me :) ts fun and its been testing and liked i made it for your servers :) x

regards sirbillyboi :)
zm_fidlers_green is a good map, however, people got the "Missing map, disconnecting" error... So a lot of them couldnt join, and I had to go back to our regular maps...

zm_lila_epic is a good map, and most of players liked it... however, it has two impossible spots, if modified, it will be for sure a popular map

Here's the spots in question:
2013-01-17_00004.jpg 2013-01-17_00003.jpg
Just waiting for a mod for fidlers green to make a spot easier to be caught and then I'll probably put it on the nominate list. I haven't added the maps to servers other than v1, so if you tried it on another server it won't work unless you personally have the map already.

One thing is we have panic and epic which are similar and people might get bored of that (even though the spots you can get to are very different).
Yeah, I like weastwood too... but what about trying the zm version like zm_westwood_final :

I seen that one as well, was thinking about uploading it to replace the original westwood but it actually makes it even harder for the zombies by the looks of things. The extra boxes onto the "main spot" make it too much of a camping spot, whereas right now, they can come from both sides and jump on heads. What do other people think though?
I seen that one as well, was thinking about uploading it to replace the original westwood but it actually makes it even harder for the zombies by the looks of things. The extra boxes onto the "main spot" make it too much of a camping spot, whereas right now, they can come from both sides and jump on heads. What do other people think though?

Hmmm, from My experience, that's not the hardest spot... however there are two rooms wich can be tough for zombies if good CT's are camping in there (maybe I'll post screenz later)

and if u would like i could edit the panic map if u gimme the link to it :)
Here's is it:

Don't jsut remove them... find a way to make it easy for zombies... for example, replace teh tube in the container with one or two vending machines [so, only good players can succeed camping there]... but I've no idea for the other spot [maybe make a part of the ceiling/ground breakable]

Thanks in advance :)
for me the best zombie map ive ever played and use to get my zm server packed was zm_420_beachstrike

this 1:
haha, n00b map... I used to snipe brainless zombies =D

If I remember, ther's a lot of vending machines in the basement, removing some would be great :)
I think de_westwood is really nice actually how it is,mmm, but maybe it needsome inside spots with props and a little bit more space.