[test needed] zm_rush_final_remake


Active Member
24 Nov 2021
Hi all. This is my remake of the zm_rush_final map, I wanted to make it more realistic. I would like to test it on the server.



  • zm_rush_final_remake_b2.rar
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Looks nice, there is alot of props which could make the map lag abit but if you have used the right optimization it should be fine!

Some things that i notcied (nothing major) The decals are abit off, and the tree is non physic, it should have physics or static prop so you can jump from the teleport spot onto the box in the middle :)

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  • zm_rush_final_remake_b3.rar
    47.1 MB · Views: 114
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The remake looks nice, I enjoy the changes, but I'm not sure it would replace the original rush which kind of leaves a problem of what to do with this map. I don't know if adding it as a special map makes sense because it wouldn't be much of a special map to just play a normal map with a different look, so I'm not really sure what to do right now with this map. I'll ask some other folks what they think about it and we'll see what happens
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I'd say let's add it as special map if it's reviewn and tested. Variety is never a bad thing. But I agree that it cant replace the original rush, which belongs to the most popular maps ever it had been created.
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Map has been tested on V3 a few times,people seem to really like it.
Only 1 problem though:

- Either completely remove the tank or make it so that people cannot crouch inside it.It creates an unbalanced spot for CTs to hold and lags for the server.

great remake, only dislike tank so far, plz just totally remove it lol, otherwise.. WONDERFUL JOB 😍
For me i have 2 things . First what made me upsest

i can not make this jump what in original version is fun to do to . it is made just inaf for 1 footsep to short. That my bigest disapoint . For that as reduce this limitation is cars made down what honestly to get this server kids brain to work for fast boost/ passage woud take years for understanding. It makes this whole arial only more protect.
Than i have this one - 2 one - in simple words WTF is this for ? wtf !

This wall ? Why? I still can find angls tho hit f zombies here , i still can boost zombies from glass on other side and that f wall is small .If i go from other place where is teleport for this space . I go way deeper in this glass platform than jumping from top of wagon what puts you only in conner of platform AND for that reason i got some extra step away from glass edge and it gives me some distance and if that f mad cts is good i coud jump turn my f back and belive me son that f wall is not inaf . i can figure out how to bypass limits and this md f wall i watch even now and i kind cant understand wtf . This whole secion feels like bit off. That wall only is good you can not ...

... You know where that f wall shoud be? Wright in top of that f peace of *** teleport platform so who ever stands there /camp there zombies go in NOWHERE . that spot if you smart you boy can team - honestly that the mosut fun time to use cts to get cts in 100% legal way - how - scroll up read some of my wrote things again .

For me it feels in remake version from original whole this remake section is lower down in hight so it gives you that 1 step to short for jump also i love it gives me wild conner to aim zombies under platform and ramp, it have way larger gap what i love - that is good what is done. For me teaming in this remke map -that wall man . that mad f wall - you still can in one way or other way. it saves cts who is on this middle section but no way if i go as zombie and have some cts in that teleport and if i feel thay can HIT good oh boy somebody will die . I trully that wall it feels like anomaly , it looks weird , i do not know ., Maeby some desine difrent . That teleport 100 % still legal to team - even you do not want it is legit legal teaming place . it is so funny . best place to team . Admins come says NO NO NO NO no teaming - what i do , i pick AWP i go here - i wait zombie from teleport - BOOM -420 hs and that zombie go wright in cts and hey he comed at me he was wright in f place where teleport puts him so what f teaming we talking here ? See where this goes and there is nothing you can do about it - so again this wall ..... first time i saw i was - it is like criple in wheelchair this remake section .
This is my honest opinion and if i trully honest shoud be - it is all FINE ! It is playable map ,playable section . It is still fun ! Thank tou for try ! Overall it is great ideas put there . Thank you !
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I decide to explain one more time this wall be avoid for our HARD HEADS gamers.

How to go for easier kills put box here , than 1 zombie stands on that box and DO NOTHING just stands and again DO NOTHING just stands, dont jump ,dont crouch, do nothing ! You go to teleport from other side as result you go in that platform way deeper in. Thanks to that avoiding to be put on edge of that platform! That the idea how you do this . So how you avoid that wall ? You use this technic this knowlege and knowing you doing all wright you get some extra distance AWAY from that wall. That distance ,that few extra steps you can get from jumping into teleport from other side can be use as litll bonuss to get perfect jump what you get from cts who stands there and shooting you . That is moument if thay shoots good ,you come , you use that extra distnace you get close to tham as match as you can and in verry super WRIGHT moument you jump turn around and hope it be legit HARD hit and here we are - that mad f WALL - this whole thing ........ you know this dosnt take match to figure out how to avoid how still find ways while we can do this teaming here .
Only what i notice from times this verison of map was on - not manny times thay went to camp there - maeby cuz of bit disorient.
seeing a handful of errors on the map when I load it up

Bumping this so that maybe we get a fast fix on this beautiful remake