Post your screens (scores) ZM

Well ... For me its a nice score and enissay sucks much harder :)P)

this was so funny, so Enigma and I both used !zstuck on the elavator just before we reached the top (to perform a mega jump to the middle platform) and we must've jumped at the same time the same direction, causing us to get stucked in the air rofl ^^

After about 20 secs I !zstuck'd again, and we fell at the same speed, resulting in getting stucked again :D


  • 2013-02-21_00002.jpg
    98.1 KB · Views: 383
Pics, or it didn't happend! :D
NUB PWN beide maps hintereinander


  • 2013-03-18_00005.jpg
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  • 2013-03-18_00004.jpg
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Think i gonna need a own thread for this he? xD

Not that high, but hey just 1 death with that mass off players :p


  • 2013-03-19_00001.jpg
    446 KB · Views: 383
why jelly? he's correct tbh

ranjid show score screens of you playing on v1 v2, minimum player number 40

1xx - x is easy on v4,v5 with <20 players ^_^
Ye thats why i mostly play there. I got fps problem with 40+ players. Why should i play without fun and kinda harder at v1/2, when i can have it at v4/5 easier? That would be stupid he?

And with "aimbotic" for eg. i meant that i rlly hit only headshot. The score is not primary, just a result of my skills.

EDIT: And it was in the early day, so its normal for less players i guess.
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V1 is not fun to play on with many players, when it's cbble with 64 players!. Everyone is teamblocking, teamkilling, hunting/blocking (more like blocking than hunting). That's why I rarely see any players I know at V1, most of em play at V2. Version2 and 4 is however is fun to play at. Only one thing... poor v4 is still running on HDD and it's lagging alot :p
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