[Recruitment] Counter-Strike: Source (ALL)

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Ingame name MONSTER³

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072706263/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:56220267

Age 31

Location Germany

English knowledge Beginner

Other languages german

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I gained my experience as an admin at EliteHunterz.

I took a break for reasons of my private life, it was agreed with "Easy". I thought my break would need a little more time, but I realized that wasn't the case, so I'm fully available again. I've never lost my interest in being an admin, I'd like to invest my free time in CS:S again and support the team.

About me
Hi, im Dodo, 31 years.
Since I am getting older and not younger, sports activities fall away, so my favorite hobby is the PC and my car. x)

Alternative account(s)

Referred by Easy, Seele, Zicke

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Zicke

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198046823531/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:43278901

Age 39

Location Deutschland

English knowledge Beginner

Other languages English beginner

Previous bans
No, I have no bans

Past admin experience
I have some experience as an admin but from another game, from the game Day of Defead Source.

I would like to support you as an admin, I have often considered applying and today I am taking this step. It's also a lot of fun for me to play with you.

About me
Hello, my name is Michaela, I am 39 years old. Have 4 children and married.
My hobbies are drawing, sports, taking care of my animals. Pc games and from time to time on the Ps4 but rarely.Some already know me from the server

Alternative account(s) Have no others

Referred by Seele and Monster

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name SarevoK^!

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sarevoking

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:34543082

Age 29

Location Spain

English knowledge Elementary

Other languages Spanish

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I've founded several clans in CS:S such as "NoFear (ZE server), Spain CS:S (multimaps), gx10 (war ESL clan). I've managed various servers and their administrators so i know how to interpret each situation. I've been playing CS for more than 15 years out of my 29 years of age. ATM i have my own game (2D) with 1456 members on my discord.

I always play in the early hours since that's when I can, around 2:00-06:00 (GMT +2), I encounter players who don't follow the rules, disrupt the experience for other players, and cause people to disconnect. My motivation for becoming an admin is to ensure that people don't leave and that they have fun while adhering to the rules

About me
I consider myself a versatile person who can react in any situation. If I find myself in one where I'm not sure how to act, I would consult with my fellow administrators. I'm friendly and always try to help others whenever I can. I read and write English perfectly, but speaking it's challenging for me due to the pronunciation required. Nevertheless, I consider myself to have a moderate level of English

Alternative account(s)

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Jack1sh

Steam profile link http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089485014

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:64609643

Age 28

Location United Kingdom

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages None

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I have run various online gaming communities, varying from Euro Truck Simulator 2 all the way to FiveM - In terms of admin positions close/relating to CS:S, I was an admin on a GMOD TTT server for roughly a year before it sadely closed.

The main motivation behind me wanting to become an admin is more nostalgia. When I first downloaded steam in 2014, the only and main game that I played was CS:S. During my tenure playing this game, I primarily frequented the ZM/ZE game mods. In fact I believe I actually played quite a bit on your servers.

I want to share that nostalgia with others and attempt to help revive the community surrounding ZE/ZM and ensure that it is a safe space. One thing I have learned within my time among the ZM/ZE game mods, there can be quite a bit of toxicity, especially for newer players. I wish to help stamp this out and ensure that everyone is having equal amounts of enjoyment while playing on your server.

About me
I am currently 28 years old, I have a four year old son - Yes he is already getting into gaming. I am currently a lorry driver, so there are time where I do spend more than 3 days away from my computer - however, I do wish to dedicate more time to the server.

Alternative account(s)

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name FR ƿαƿys aƿєгos | MoutonVert

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026921208/

SteamID32 FR ƿαƿys aƿєгos | MoutonVert

Age 27

Location France

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages Francais

Previous bans

Past admin experience

I discovered the ELITE HUNTERZ CSS Zombie servers when I was 10 years old when I started the game. I immediately loved the concept of the server. I started where there were the most people, that is to say without the all weapons and then with the ALL Weapons. I immediately took a liking to the community despite some childish behavior (rage, blocking problem "!zstuck" x) and some angry insults when I was young to be really transparent). but without ever being disrespectful to anyone. Today I am 27 years old and I continue to have fun non-stop on your servers. Hence this request I would say late, but I will have the honor of serving a community which continues to be present and which like me wishes to see the CSS servers continue to evolve because after years this server still works and I I'm delighted. It would be a pleasure to have me among you because I really like this server and the admins who play on it (Soup, Slowian, Zicke, Dhoudz, Kamarad, Kin etc,,,). Professional French Gendarme I can only respect the orders given and enforce them on the server. :D <3 Hoping my application will work. Don't hesitate to write to me :D

About me
Military for 7 years, I am a gendarme in France and love video games and traveling. I love doing sports (bodybuilding and cycling, etc.)

Alternative account(s)

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Seele

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070510736

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:55122504

Age 30

Location Austria

English knowledge Beginner

Other languages german

Previous bans

Past admin experience

Normally, I would drop 2 1/2 books and a small essay to explain my motivation.
However, I'm taking the advice of a certain player and holding back a bit. ;)))

Cheating, teaming, barricade shooters, questionable sprays and so on..
Activities that have absolutely no place on this server!

Unfortunately.. these are symptoms that the server sometimes has to deal with when there's currently no admin present.

And that's precisely the key point.
I offer my time to be a part of the functioning system.. to help when there are time gaps.. to make sure our lovely community enjoys the game.

I would love to give back to this community for what it has given me.
In other words: To help ensure the enjoyment and keep an eye on our beloved party poopers.

About me
My real name is Kevin, I'm 30 years old.
For some reason.. I have plenty of free time.. and I'm more than happy to invest it in playing the butler for two cats!
If they give me the green light.. the rest of my time goes to video games/media. ^^

Alternative account(s)

Referred by MONSTER³, Zicke, Kr1pT1c and DoJor'F

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Mattyyy24

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119403136/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:79568704

Age 20

Location England

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages No

Previous bans
I have an active spray ban right now. I cant remember what I sprayed it was a while back. I'm deeply sorry for what I did.

Past admin experience
I have been admin on multiple Garry's Mod darkrp servers so yes I'm experienced.

So I am writing to express my genuine interest in a staff position on Elite Hunterz server. Ever since I became apart of the community, I have been absolutely captivated by just how the game works and the way players work together as a team to survive against the zombies. This passion has significantly intensified my desire to contribute meaningfully to the gaming experience for fellow players.

The prospect of serving as an admin on the Elite Hunterz server particularly resonates with me due the servers strong reputation for fostering an inclusive and fair gaming experience and environment. I very much believe in upholding the core values of integrity and fair play within the community. I aspire to play a pivotal role in ensuring that these values are not only upheld but also actively promoted among the players.

Moreover, I possess a comprehensive understanding of the complexities of the server, having actually participated in staffing multiple communities and servers on Garry's Mod darkrp in the past. This experience has not only honed my skills but has also instilled in me a deep understanding of the challenges that can arise within the server. I am very confident that my expertise will enable me to effectively tackle any issues that may surface, thereby ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all the players on Elite Hunterz server.

Furthermore, my commitment to fostering a positive and engaging community within the server is strong. I very much believe that the gaming environment should be one where players not only thrive in their gameplay but also build long lasting friendships and connections with each other. I am dedicated to fostering a sense of camaraderie and respect among all players, thereby contributing to the development of a strong and closely-knit gaming community on Elite Hunterz.

In Summary, my deep passion and motivation for a strong commitment to fostering a positive environment, makes me ideal candidate for a staff position on the server. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to the continued success and growth of the server and am eager to bring my skills and dedication to the fore.

Thank you for your time. :)


About me
So I'm just an individual who enjoys playing games and finds genuine excitement from it. I don't really do much except play games and guitar. I don't have a job so I'm always online 24/7.

Alternative account(s)

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name SarevoK^!

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/Sarevoking

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:34543082

Age 29

Location Spain

English knowledge Elementary

Other languages Spanish

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I have established clans in CS;S, including "NoFear (ZE server) Spain CS;S (multimaps) gx10 (war ESL clan). Throughout my experience I have effectively managed servers and their administrators allowing me to navigate and interpret situations. Having played CS for, over 15 years out of my age of 29 I possess gaming knowledge. Presently I am the creator of my 2D game with a Discord community boasting 1456 members.

During late night gaming sessions there are often players who disregard the rules leading to an experience for others and causing them to leave the server. To combat this issue I consistently report behavior whenever possible; you will notice that recent reports originate from me. However I believe that taking action and preventing players from leaving due to individuals would be more effective in maintaining a clean server environment.

About me
I pride myself on being adaptable and capable of responding in any given situation. In instances where uncertainty arises seeking guidance from administrators is always an option for me. Furthermore I strive to maintain a demeanor and assist others whenever the opportunity presents itself. While reading and writing English pose no difficulties for me pronunciation can be challenging when it comes to speaking. Nevertheless I consider myself proficient, in English at a level.

Alternative account(s)

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Paw

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/PawSteam

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40780892

Age 24

Location Norway

English knowledge Elementary

Other languages Norwegian

Previous bans
Bans: https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=banlist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:40780892&Submit=Search
Gags: https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/index.php?p=commslist&searchText=STEAM_0:0:40780892&Submit=Search

Past admin experience
Yes. Left the admin team as I wanted to focus on other more important IRL stuff.

I notice people are breaking rules from time to time or need help with something etc. and think I would make a great addition to the team as admins aren't always around when I'm playing and I already got some experience from my time as admin which comes in handy. Essentially I want to help out and I don't really have any history when it comes to breaking any rules (Not unlikely I've gotten warnings like most new players in the past though. Don't think I did any abuse either as admin, but there have been cases where some of the ban or gag lengths got adjusted by higher admins.). Currently my playtime is pretty low, but I'm sure it will increase in the coming weeks as I got more time available now. Want to help out in the community and have also tried to be of help to others after my time as admin.

About me
Newer admins might not know me, but I was admin in the past (~2 years ago) and still remember a lot of the commands etc. (I'm still in the discord server, but don't have access to admin channels.). V3 has always been my favorite server, but I've tried to help out in populating V1 during meetups etc. I usually check the forums several times a week and from time to time several times a day. Hopefully most of the admin team got a nice experience from when I was around and didn't have any issues with me.

Alternative account(s) Inactive account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199075335958

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Counter-Strike: Source

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/thebl4ckc4bers4m/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:1529230397

Age 20

Location Philippines

English knowledge Beginner

Other languages English, Filipino

Previous bans
i have 6 bans on eh v3, so i have a reason to did boosting and teamkilling.

Past admin experience

my one important on v3: i will just protect them if they gonna do it to them, if they did, i will give them a second chance to play or ban temporary.

About me

Alternative account(s) STEAM_0:1:1529230397

Referred by

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name bl4ze

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020601223/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:30167747

Age 29

Location Denmark

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Danish / English

Previous bans

Past admin experience

I have played on EH since 2019 I would like to help the community in the late hours ( i normally play very late at night when no admins are online )

About me
I am 29 years young ;-) And my daytime job is landscaper

Alternative account(s)

Referred by Easy

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name ThriceGreat

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025608418/

SteamID32 76561198025608418

Age 25

Location Currently Ecuador

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages N/A

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I was admin on another server a few years ago. I am back playing counter strike source regularly now so i thought i might apply for admin.

I love being admin. I get a kick out of enforcing rules! I am back playing Counter Strike source regularly and love your server so i thought i might try becoming an admin.

About me
I dont have anything else going on right now. I mostly just play this game all day and aside from eating i do nothing else! I am from Florida but am living in ecuador temporarily.

Alternative account(s) No

Referred by No

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name ~ZW~ xXEsIqUeLXx

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033081130/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:36407701

Age 29

Location Germany

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages German/English

Previous bans
i got a ban for 4hours from Paw for teaming in 2020. A thing of the past. Now i am more clever dont doing it again.

Past admin experience

This server is my favorite server in CSS and i am very active on this server and having fun playing there 10+hours per day. I really enjoy playing on V3, and now, i feel that it is time to give more to our players and to the admin team. I will like to join u guys, and would like to help you as much as I can. I won Halloween Event 2021 "King Tag" Rank 1, Hallow king 2022 on the Halloween Event and Event Winner 2023 Bronze on Xmas Event 2023 :). But u got some rulebreakers especially at night when no admin is around. Some rulebreakers making the gameplay bad and thats why i want to help people out having a good time on this server also at night ofc!. Another thing is people get stuck sometimes at some probs and its more efficent teleporting them instead to go to their spot and move probs out of their way :). I am also up for testing new maps or features on this server like new commands will come in future what i already tested with some Admins at V1 :).

About me
I am Merlin 29 years old and working in IT company. I like going out with friends and having a good time !

Alternative account(s)

Referred by i got referred from Easy, Blue and Seele :)

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Orax

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115803451/

SteamID32 155537723

Age 26

Location Norway

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages Norwegian, learning Dutch

Previous bans

Past admin experience
On a friendly Norwegian server, but it closed down years ago

Would like to be an admin on the basis of getting other players to behave and follow the rules, i want people to enjoy the server and have a good time, there can be joking and stuff but best part for everyone is to have fun.

About me
Im 26 yeah old, i have played since CS 1.6 was out, took a break from source when CS:GO came out half way i did quite during work period where i didn't have pc. Im a plain gamer, that plays too many games but always comes back to CSS, My main games now is Leauge, Valortant, CSS and semi pro in Pokemon

Alternative account(s)

Referred by none

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name ♥ Kaito Shuno ♥

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/KaitoShuno/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29344029

Age 27

Location Germany

English knowledge Beginner

Other languages German

Previous bans

Past admin experience
My experience as an admin was on a minigame and jailbreak server several years ago.

The community at that time was called Area of Gaming (AOG) (Jailbreak), Outbreak (Jailbreak) as well as The Holy Crew (THC) (Minigame).

The community existed at that time when csgo was still relatively fresh and this was new territory for most of them due to their collapse by the Source project, these community servers went through the ground and were dissolved.

After getting to know about the community and experiencing the atmosphere on the server, I firmly believe that I can make a valuable contribution as an administrator.

My passion for gaming and years of experience in managing player servers make me an ideal candidate for this position. I am extremely dedicated and responsible, and I strongly believe that I can help create a positive and supportive environment for all players on the server.
As an administrator, my top priority would be to ensure that the rules are followed and that all players treat each other with respect. I am good at conflict resolution and problem solving, and I am willing to use these skills to improve the player experience on this server.

In addition, I am extremely reliable and can quickly adapt to new situations.

About me
My life is rather unspectacular.

I live here in Germany with my boyfriend in Lower Saxony.
I travel around Germany quite a lot, go to furry conventions, music concerts and, if it works out, also to gaming conventions.

My interests are mainly gaming since I was little so I have been playing CSS since I was 13 or 12 - we all start small....

I am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to develop myself personally and professionally. I'm looking forward to meeting new people and being part of an inspiring community.
I also like to stream music and have found a more or less big interest in music where I can inspire other people for it.
I am also very interested in and enjoy cooking!
I try out new and unusual recipes almost every day and let my friends try them, most of which they like

Alternative account(s) None available or that I use.

Referred by None.

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Guti82(HUN-UK) admins

Steam profile link https://store.steampowered.com/account/?snr=1_4_4__global-header

SteamID32 Fcbarcelona8227

Age 41

Location UK

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages uk

Previous bans

Past admin experience


About me

Alternative account(s) gulyka82

Referred by Guti82(HUN-UK)

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3, Glass_War, ScoutKniveZ, Minigames, BunnyHop
Ingame name Guti82(HUN-UK)

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198112817653/

SteamID32 SREAM_0:0:76561198112817653

Age 41

Location UK

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages English

Previous bans
i got banned guti82(HUN-UK) for 30 min 17 nov 2016 i've got manual pls telling for me again.

Past admin experience
It is my favorite server admin slay slap vote kick freeze brun msay votemap map noclip beacon and many more admin menu v3 and v1 elite hunterz thank you. for giving guti82 admins

i giving you supported to guti82(HUN-UK) to admin v3 and v1

About me
i am guti82(HUN-UK) 41 years old and played important think of DHL Company have a good time.

Alternative account(s) Steam ID: 76561198112817653

Referred by EH-admins Guti82(HUN-UK)

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V1, Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name Bulk

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198852567968/

SteamID32 Steam ID: 76561198852567968

Age 29

Location USA - Texas

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages No Sorry

Previous bans

Past admin experience
I've Been playing this game since Counter Strike 1.6, I was an Admin for 2 different Communities mostly played Underground RPG SK back then.

I have recently found your SK Rpg server and have been playing on it actively for about 4 weeks, I have been trying to create a since of community with the frequent players that come through by talking to everyone and welcoming them to the server and almost all of them remember the nostalgia of play rpg SK back in the day. I want to be able to possibly revive SK overall by creating events and building a good community.

About me
I'm a Dad of 2 that's most of my hobbies outside of trying to escape the real world to play my Favorite childhood game CSS.
I'm also a Business owner and have 26 employees so managing and being responsible isn't anything new for me.

Alternative account(s) N/a

Referred by Not sure if anyone from the SK server is in here, however I'm confident if you asked anyone in that server if they know me they would support. Thank you for your consideration

Favourite Server ScoutKniveZ
Ingame name Crazy-AWP

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/id/blackattaker1

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:135894

Age 25

Location Macedonia

English knowledge Intermediate

Other languages English/Albanian

Previous bans

Past admin experience

Cuz i am good player and respectful and activity and i want help the server about Aimlock, Bad behaviour, Toxic

About me
I love to play games and with my friend walking on the city

Alternative account(s) 76561198163735136

Referred by None

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
Ingame name K1n

Steam profile link https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198008141648/

SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:23937960

Age 18

Location Israel

English knowledge Advanced

Other languages hebrew russian

Previous bans
If I'm not wrong 2021 for destroying barricades

Past admin experience
I've been admin in my past in csgo and I was an admin in this community

I would like to become an admin because I missed playing css and I missed playing in the zombie server and because I have more time to play and have my time and to have something I can do in my spare time

About me
Nothing interesting In my life all I do is school - gym - work - repeat I also have free time because I'm about to finish school and will join the army in December

Alternative account(s) No I do not

Referred by No one I hope someone supports me

Favourite Server Zombie Hunting V3
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