Spray unban request


25 Sep 2021
I'm not sure where I should be posting this but, I'd like to have my spray unbanned.
I see everyone's sprays though mine doesn't show up when I spray it, which lead me to conclusion that it was banned.
My spray didn't contain any nudity, vulgar language, racism or anything remotely controversial.
I've tried talking to Admins that were present on the server but unfortunately my questions were ignored.
Hello @HoneyBadger !

First of all, are you sure you have your spray banned ?
To find out, open your !settings menu on the server, and the first line corresponds to your spray if it is banned or not

If it's not banned, your spray is too big (must not exceed 512kb), so will not be displayed

If it's banned, feel free to open a deban request here (even if it's the spray) : https://forum.elite-hunterz.com/form/protest-a-punishment.9/select

This is a request that can only be processed in-game, an admin has a lot thing to do on the server and it is possible that the admin hasn't seen your message. If your spray does not violate the rules of the server (No genitals / racism / incitement to hatred / gore ..) it will be unbanned in the following days