This or That

pizza's <3

csgo or css

Jailed for the rest of your life or on the run for the rest of your life?
On the run

ps4 or xbox one

Which super power would you rather have? The ability to teleport or the ability to fly?
Never eat chocolate again, tbh i don't really like chocolate xD

Have a massive, fancy mouse but have barely any money, or a shitty house with more money than you need?
I'd love me a fancy mouse. Though I sense you meant house, which is less interesting.

Lick someone elses toenail clippings, or Dive head first into a pool full of diarrhoea
only sleep 5 hours, you can do more stuff and thats about what i sleep

eat a century egg or eat a giant caterpillar
no phone

Bring unable to smell or unable to taste
unable to smell

live to be 100 and never drink alcohol again or live to be 60 and drink as much as you want
Live to be 100

iphone or samsung