Treecamp in Zombie v3

Where is abbala!?

Anyways, I'm gonna start playing on V3 alot again.

So these things wont be happening as often.
If 4way or cbble is on V3, I often join, cuz these two maps are the most abusive (doorclosing, glitching and blocking, treecamping). It's nice to see you soon on V3 sixau :p
Sure, time to use the Krieg and Elites.
I have to say -Der_Abstauber(TUR)- is really a treecamper AND one of the biggest BLOCKER on your servers!
i was on server while i saw him on roof where he took the picture....he got mmmmh i would say about 10 kills while running on the roof from treeside to the letters where we all anted to get uo on roof!do sth against him pls 1 year ago he was the same as now i know him well from the past!
I banned Der_Abstauber for 1 week. I didnt find the other one, because of his cryllic letters...
Next time please post their Steam_IDs too (with a screenshot from the console). For that go to console and type: status
PS: If, after the week, he does it again, pls post a new screenshot and he'll be away a bit longer.

Thx for report

Sincerely yours
Oh, well, indeed....
I am sorry for this stupid thing. It's probably a bit like The Ramones said: "My brain is hanging upside down"
Banned him for 1 week too. Thx

Sincerely yours