Unban Request: ante

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New Member
24 Feb 2014
Name: ante

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4791100

Ban reason: no idea.

Unban reason: Hello, i have been playing on elite hunterz for maybe 1 year or so.
but then admin viole/avo and i got off the wrong foot the last month and he have been harassing and not following the rules, before i got banned viole/avo reconnected to avoid death when he was a zombie and that is against the rules on the server so i told him to not to do that but then he became ignorant like always against me.. and calling me bad names..its not fun at all when he is around.
i think he should get demoted.. thanks.
Lying in your unbanrequest will not help you get a reduced ban. Here's the deal you closed the doors on 4way and kept provocing when you already knew why you where slay. You already got banned for this befor and you returned doing the same thing on the next map you insulted and got punished then rejonied to try and join the game again then insulted again.
I dont mind at all when you comment every time i die and stuff like that i do that with a lot of ppl too that i know and shit but dont start lying that i reconnect..
what about you then?? you rejoined and slayed me when i told you that you did something wrong.. wow.
ohyea and 4 of them is from Avollaj when i didnt do anything really.
no 2 of them are from me last ban you got was from HA(and for doorclosing wich is what you did as soon as u tought there where no admins) and it's pointless discussing this i made up my mind no unban from my part already your first ban should have been a perm since it was for racism buy you got lucky that it was a kind admin that banned you.
You have been banned for doorclosing, insulting and provocative behavior. I have checked your chathistory and have found enough proof to support these claims. The length of the ban is due to your previous bans. The admin who banned you (Avollaj) does not have any intentions of reducing your banlength and neither do I.

I will be closing this thread now since it is going offtopic and not leading to anything.

If you have any questions pm me here in the forum.
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