Unban Request: Iñigo

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New Member
11 Jul 2013
Name: Iñigo

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13977628

Ban reason: Speedhack What is that?????

Unban reason: i was yesterday permanent baned fron all our servers by Deanburger. why?? i am a correct player, it was an error, pls dont permanent ban people if you are not secure that this player is blocking or shiting or fucking others players!!!!

Welcome to our forum.

Te hablare en castellano, para que lo entiendas mejor. SpeedHack es un tipo de hack para el juego que hace que tu personaje se mueva mucho mas rapido que el de los demas, lo que le da una ventaja considerable sobre los demas. Nuestra comunidad no admite ningun tipo de trampa o "hack" ilegal. Yo no fui el moderador que te banneo, ahora procederemos a discutir tu peticion en este hilo, donde el administrador que te banneo dara su opinion.


Explained in spanish what speedhack is, and told him that the admin who banned him will give him an answer soon. Sorry about any incovenience, just felt that he would understand it better in his mother tongue.

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Please be patient. Insulting doesn't help anything (not sure if it's just translate), I would not ban someone if I didn't have a good reason. Keep that in mind.
After reviewing the situation we have decided to unban you. You were banned because SMAC (our cheat detector) triggered many warnings for you using a speedhack and your rates/ping were fine.

Happy hunting ^^
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