Unban Request: Russell

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Well-Known Member
21 Nov 2015
Name: Russell

SteamID: drift_01

Ban reason: roof camping as ct in cbble

Unban reason: I was standing on a door in cbble which people do all the time. I jumped down and killed a ct (pretty much the last guy standing). I wasn't given any warning and banned.

That's not a door.
Roof camping as ct in cbble is against the rules, you can clearly see that if you type !rules in-game.
It's true you didn't get a warning, i wasn't even in-game, i received the screenshot from a friend who was in-game.

Your ban is only for 8 hours, and it will expire 21-11-15 22:47:43 which is in less than 2 hours.

Make sure to read !rules carefully next time you join.
Fair enough......was the first time ever I was up there. A guy signaled for me to jump on his head. Lesson learnt............
first time, tenth time, doesn't make any difference. Just make sure it won't happen again. And even if someone forced you to break the rules it doesn't make it any better.

I'm glad you learned your lesson, as i stated above, make sure to read !rules next time you join.

Have a nice weekend.

Regards Klovn aka Red Devilz
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