Handled Unban Request: Traveling Gypsy


New Member
6 May 2018
Ingame name Traveling Gypsy
SteamID iwantrock2011

Ban reason I can't find, I was spray banned
Unban reason
I just didn't properly learned the spray rules of the server and used a pic of Christy Mack ass hole and pussy opened. I apologize for this, and I promise I won't show any genitals on my sprays anymore. I really like this server and I have a lot of fun by playing it every day.


Ex Admin
Might’ve been me that banned it, a bit unsure since I might have memory loss or something due to an epileptic seizure and I’m in hospital atm. Usually before I issue a sprayban I kick the player(s) with a warning («bad spraylogo») and give a final warning in chat if/once they rejoin. Then issue a sprayban if the player(s) refuse to. If you have changed it to something we allow on the servers then you can ask an admin ingame to unban it. If you should change it back then don’t expect another unban.