Vols and Jezuz ya'll

Vols and Jezuz

New Member
7 Jul 2016
Hi, I'm Casey aka Vols and Jezuz. I know a lot of you already from aircontrol and you've probably seen me on there. I live in northeast Tennessee. I'm the old man on the server, 28 to be exact. So old that it physically hurts for me to play CS:GO for extended hours, but I'm not gonna let that stop me!

I've been surfing on the servers for a few months, which was where I learned to surf on beginner, rookie, and aircontrol mainly. I'm still really terrible but I think I have my own unique, analytical style.

I've played zombie mod a few times, but it's been a long time tbh.

I like surfing on these servers in particular, when they are running well (aka not in Powerpoint mode). I enjoy chillin and surfin with many of the members I've come to know on aircontrol, and sometimes, I even find the cancer that tends to invade the servers to be amusing.

Other hobbies are programming, overclocking and performance tweaking PC's, golf, tennis, drums, music production, Vols sports, and Liverpool football.

I have one biological child and one adopted child. They are both felines and I won't have a single word against them. Dogs are annoying
Welcome to the forums Casey, hope you enjoy your stay. :)