zm_eh_despair // zm_eh_lockup


Ex Admin
18 Jan 2013
Hey Elite-HunterZ community!,

Today i'm glad to tell that Despair has a good result, my next goal is it to reach that Despair will be on nomination list. If someone not played this map here some Images.
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Now we come to Lockup my next following Map, at the moment i'm working on it. It should be just a
Special map my opinion because its not like the standart zombie maps. Quick description everyone will spawn in a small room, the secure doors are closed, they will open after 15 seconds at the same time the first zombie will spawn and they will teleported outside, the goal as zombie is now to destroying the doors to get inside the building to infect the survivors. Survivors must just try to survive, best way is to stay in groups because the props are just static. There some rooms to survive, with enough survivors.
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If anyone has questions or suggestions tell them.

I am not sure we will consider to add the second map, even as special map, we don't add maps where the configs are touched, I don't mind the "humans win and zombies win" in your other maps but making zombies spawn later and also get teleported is different. We appreciate that you make maps and want to try something different but we don't want the game-play changed which is why i also removed your other escape map, ralleshaft i think it was called.