Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: NeilN + YOR


Well-Known Member
22 Apr 2023
Greater Manchester, UK (GB)
Name NeilN + YOR

SteamID STEAM_0:0:888589565 + STEAM_0:0:631711742

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date During the preceding month of 2023, and currently of July 8th, 2023.

Report Reason Heavily Insulting/Swearing, Racism

Additional Information
I understand that the previous post was deemed invalid, but I have concrete evidence that shows we were attacked by them, and both Saddam and Action were involved. I would even like to clarify that I would never make such insulting remarks on my demo files, please be aware that this demo file may occasionally cause your game to crash, and I am unsure of how to resolve this issue, (File is too big for the server to handle, so here it goes.)

Proof Demo/Screenshot


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By the way, this individual is still bothering me even though Soup warned it before and he didn't listen.


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To be fair,I see what he writes but I personally don't see the "Heavily Insulting" part and surely nowhere near "Racism".
Most definately seems like a case where he should be warned to stop,but just not enough for him to get a gag.

Also,I don't seem to see the proof on why the second player you mentioned "YOR" is being reported?
You have posted screenshots which show messages of only the first player being reported..
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To be fair,I see what he writes but I personally don't see the "Heavily Insulting" part and surely nowhere near "Racism".
Most definately seems like a case where he should be warned to stop,but just not enough for him to get a gag.

Also,I don't seem to see the proof on why the second player you mentioned "YOR" is being reported?
You have posted screenshots which show messages of only the first player being reported..
He is being reported due to what the demo file says.
Since my name is mentioned, I want to make a quick reply. I know the rule that only the reporter and the reported are allowed to say something here, but since the reporter mentioned me as a "witness", i can say the following. I can confirm that NeilN was being very toxic towards many people, calling them "dog" and such. I disagree that that is not enough to get someone gagged. Calling someone "dog" is insulting and as per server rules (see the discussion I had with Dhoudz on this subject), if someone feels insulted it qualifies as an insult and should as such be considered as rule breaking and thus punishable by gag. Just my 2 cents sir. Peace, KING!
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Since my name is mentioned, I want to make a quick reply. I know the rule that only the reporter and the reported are allowed to say something here, but since the reporter mentioned me as a "witness", i can say the following. I can confirm that NeilN was being very toxic towards many people, calling them "dog" and such. I disagree that that is not enough to get someone gagged. Calling someone "dog" is insulting and as per server rules (see the discussion I had with Dhoudz on this subject), if someone feels insulted it qualifies as an insult and should as such be considered as rule breaking and thus punishable by gag. Just my 2 cents sir. Peace, KING!
Thank you for sharing your perspective on the issue at hand. It's important to consider all sides of the story in order to make informed decisions. It seems like you have firsthand knowledge of NeilN's behavior and have witnessed us being toxic towards others. It's also good that you mentioned the server rules and how insults are viewed as rule-breaking behavior. Your insights are valuable and can help inform any further actions that may need to be taken. @Soup^


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Understandable,but up to the point where the demo records,nothing is seen as insulting in the chat by either Neil or YOR,demo crashes after 50 seconds,although it's 5 minutes.

Also,I never said calling someone "dog" is not an insult,it's just not that heavy or racist regarding other remarks,I don't see the need to gag these 2 people given the proof you provide.

However,if any @Special Admin is not happy with my decision,he/she is more than free to take action.
Understandable,but up to the point where the demo records,nothing is seen as insulting in the chat by either Neil or YOR,demo crashes after 50 seconds,although it's 5 minutes.

Also,I never said calling someone "dog" is not an insult,it's just not that heavy or racist regarding other remarks,I don't see the need to gag these 2 people given the proof you provide.

However,if any @Special Admin is not happy with my decision,he/she is more than free to take action.
I still understand your perspective, but it's important to consider the impact of language and behaviour on others in our community. Even if there is no direct proof of insult or harassment within the demo records, it's possible that such behaviour occurred outside of the recorded time frame. Additionally, the use of derogatory language like "dog" can still be hurtful and offensive, even if it's not as severe as other forms of discrimination.
Understandable,but up to the point where the demo records,nothing is seen as insulting in the chat by either Neil or YOR,demo crashes after 50 seconds,although it's 5 minutes.

Also,I never said calling someone "dog" is not an insult,it's just not that heavy or racist regarding other remarks,I don't see the need to gag these 2 people given the proof you provide.

However,if any @Special Admin is not happy with my decision,he/she is more than free to take action.
Furthermore, I would appreciate it if they could share their opinions on this situation as well. Thank you in advance for your contributions and for working towards a positive outcome for everyone involved.
Even if there is no direct proof of insult or harassment within the demo records, it's possible that such behaviour occurred outside of the recorded time frame.
I believe 100% you are telling the truth and I have no doubts at all,believe me.
But if it's outside of recorded time frame,then I do not have the proof to support the chat restriction.
And the screenshots you provide are not "heavily insulting" is my opinion.
See why I wanted to start the debate about the boundaries of server rule no2 (heavily insulting). This a perfect example why we need more clarity. To me, calling someone a dog is an insult and as per Dhoudz "an insult is an insult". Not clear how server rules are applied here, hence: we need more clarity on this as I said many many times.
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See why I wanted to start the debate about the boundaries of server rule no2 (heavily insulting). This a perfect example why we need more clarity. To me, calling someone a dog is an insult and as per Dhoudz "an insult is an insult". Not clear how server rules are applied here, hence: we need more clarity on this as I said many many times.
I fully agree that there is a need for greater clarity when it comes to applying server rule number two in a manner that promotes respect and inclusivity. I also acknowledge that even @Dhoudz's response, which may have been intended to be factual, underscores the importance of having clear guidelines.
You are making me repeat myself more than I should have,but as you should have known since it's pretty logical,there is a difference between "Insulting" and "Heavily Insulting".

I NEVER said it was not an insult,but to me it's just between the boundaries,it's insulting but not to the point of him getting gagged!

And I am talking about it only given the proof that is handed,I don't know how this player talks in general or what he has said in the server in the past.

Given my previous statement,player might be deserved to be gagged,but the proof is not adequate.
If you quote me, please also have this in mind:
"We have guidelines for admins, but it is up to the admin to decide whether it is tolerable, requires a warning or should be punished."

I agree with Soup on this one. If this is not a one time incident and he keeps insulting you, please make another report and we will take action. But we need more proof for that.
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