Denied [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Dojor


Active Member
17 Dec 2023
Name Dojor

SteamID STEAM_0:0:538786790

Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3

Time and Date 10.05.2024 00:44

Report Reason Killing teammates on Purpose, Teaming/Not following the game objective

Additional Information
on highway him and another player visible in the demo were killing everyone in the house.. in this one Dojor is in the other room but edges on window on purpose and starts knifing everyone

Proof Demo


  • dojor.dem
    3.5 MB · Views: 118
Dojor might've edged but it didn't look like he did it with pure intent to teamkill.
Looked more like an accident as he wasn't standing next to that window for the whole round, didn't try to bait any zombies to come either.

I don't see anything worth a ban.
Dojor might've edged but it didn't look like he did it with pure intent to teamkill.
Looked more like an accident as he wasn't standing next to that window for the whole round, didn't try to bait any zombies to come either.

I don't see anything worth a ban.
well fuck ... now I know what I should do.
Always can quote back your response then.
Well shit... now I know what should I do each time I see you doing it.

Listen, I understand that this situation annoyed you, I really do. I'm also getting annoyed whenever I die because of an edger.
Not everyone who does that means to teamkill, sometimes people forget themselves, sometimes they just don't think about it and it happens.

If you really want to start doing that on purpose, think about why you're reporting players in first place.
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Well shit... now I know what should I do each time I see you doing it.

Listen, I understand that this situation annoyed you, I really do. I'm also getting annoyed whenever I die because of an edger.
Not everyone who does that means to teamkill, sometimes people forget themselves, sometimes they just don't think about it and it happens.

If you really want to start doing that on purpose, think about why you're reporting players in first place.
him and his idiot friend were doing it on purpose even the round before and annoying ppl with it.
But its cool .. no admins no rules .. even demos got no say .
Thank you for your help Sir !
No problem.