Fix the hitboxes!!!

Can't fix hitboxes on a broken game, valve ruined them 4 years ago.
That's just your thought. Valve ruined the hitboxes with their patch to the game which as well brought the Achievements into the game itself.
Same goes for interp, rates and such. Check out phoon's "too much for zBlock" and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Such bhop is impossible nowadays without a script. Figuratively put, all that the server can do is just change the rates and settings regarding the motion of the hitboxes but not fix the actual hitboxes...
I hope I made myself clear and helpful. I apologize in advance if I have not.

-cHeT [BeWasted]
They were fine on friday

They are never fine, as I said, the game is broken. Sometimes they're better than others and sometimes the registry is on and off, but never perfect. That's just the game bro, if you play it then you have to accept it.
That's just your thought. Valve ruined the hitboxes with their patch to the game which as well brought the Achievements into the game itself.
Same goes for interp, rates and such. Check out phoon's "too much for zBlock" and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Such bhop is impossible nowadays without a script. Figuratively put, all that the server can do is just change the rates and settings regarding the motion of the hitboxes but not fix the actual hitboxes...
I hope I made myself clear and helpful. I apologize in advance if I have not.

-cHeT [BeWasted]

Yes, this. When they changed Source to the Orange engine 4 years ago they ruined it.
Such bhop is impossible nowadays without a script.

Hopped my share at speed 600 myself on the EH servers with a 10dollar mouse. And Ive seen others do 700-800. Phoon didnt du much more then 800, so maybe bhop got harder and less consistent, I couldnt know I havent been in CSS 4 years ago, but its certainly not ruined. The hitboxes are good enough, if you aim correctly you will hit. If the other guy thinks he has ducked behind a wall half a second ago and still gets hit, thats a different story. I dont see a problem in the hitboxes when the Hitboxes and the model appearing on the screen are one and the same.

Im not complaining about oranges or bananas whatever. Im saying the hitboxes got ruined over the weekend for whatever reason. Which means, they were playable before. Which means somebody should fucking fix it so they are as good as they were couple days ago. Saturday I couldnt hit shit, and ive checked the demos and indeed the problem lies with THE HITBOXES LAGGING SEVERELY BEHIND THE MODELS. Something happened over Friday to Saturday, find out what and fix it is my request. Until then I advise everyone to aim around 1/50th second behind the zombi. A zomb moves 7metres per second, in 1/50th second is moves almost a heads length.
The game is broken and the hitboxes will never be perfect.
Well, we've had lag recently. Probably the cause of all this. I'm sure nothing has been changed in the server settings over the weekend. Once lag is fixed everything will be back to normal.
If those ppl would stop whining about how sucky the CS:S has been in the last 4 years - Its fuckin annoying - and concentrate on making the best of it shit like this could be avoided. If the "shitty orange box hitboxes" would really limit your aim youd have to be the worlds best player with supernatural skills. However the hitboxes as they are right now limit any decently skilled player.


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