Recent content by DrFronkensteen

  1. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    There is a skybox at the bottom of the map, no displacements are used as sealers. Only thing I could spot sticking outside map bounds was a tree, which I've moved. I tried using the Load Pointfile feature to spot any other leaks, but no .lin file was generated which, from what I'm reading, means...
  2. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    Made a few adjustments -Moved wooden borders in underground sewer space so that zombies can't shot into the one opposite the other (also cleaned things up visually a bit for this space) -Removed a number of doors from upper levels room in mansion, as was suggested above
  3. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    To be clear, I consider the map, in the form of this file (zm_mansion_v27.bsp), to be done, unless any other glaring issues are spotted
  4. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    Fixed the player stuck spot described above Going to hold out on the matter regarding the doors as I prefer to see how that plays in practice first
  5. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    I've made several updates to the map based on the above feedback 1. Optimization -Skybox brushes are now only where the skybox is visible instead of it being a large hollow cube surrounding the map (there's also a skybox at the bottom of the map, but that was necessary for preventing leaks)...
  6. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    Can you point me in the direction of said optimization guides?
  7. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    Looking back at some of the feedback, I do quickly want to address the wooden structure which you said needs a second entrance. The roof to that structure is actually breakable (though perhaps I should create some visual indicator to make it more obvious for players). Currently working on...
  8. DrFronkensteen

    [test needed] zm_mansion (second post)

    Having finally set up my new computer a couple of months ago, I resumed work on the map I started way back in the summer of 2022. Thanks to some very helpful feedback from Soup, I've gotten it to a point of completion in which I feel comfortable sharing it here. The gameplay style of this map is...
  9. DrFronkensteen

    zm_mansion (first post)

    For a little over a year I've been working on a potential map for EH that I'm calling zm_mansion (it's not a super complex map, I just work in Valve time) and since I've finally implemented the map's lighting, I figured I'd showcase some screenshots. Of course, there's no guarantee that this map...
  10. DrFronkensteen

    Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: k1TZ

    Just played a bunch of cat and mouse trying to catch some players who were teaming via demo, except the OBVIOUS problem is that by the time I open the console and type 'record such-and-such', it already HAPPENED. A screenshot showing a CT knifing a zombie is more than enough evidence. Like...
  11. DrFronkensteen

    Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Taking-Fire!

    Name Taking-Fire! SteamID STEAM_0:1:306118 Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date 9:45 PM EST Oct. 6, 2023 Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective Additional Information Knifing zombies across the map to get other players killed, similar to pozovnik and k1tz Proof...
  12. DrFronkensteen

    Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: Pozovnik

    Name Pozovnik SteamID STEAM_0:1:81975746 Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date 9:45 PM EST Oct. 6, 2023 Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective Additional Information Knifing zombies across the map, similar to what k1tz was doing Proof Screenshot
  13. DrFronkensteen

    Denied+ [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: k1TZ

    Name k1TZ SteamID STEAM_0:1:21675867 Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date 9:45 PM EST Oct. 6, 2023 Report Reason Teaming/Not following the game objective Additional Information Was teaming with zombies, knifing them across the map, throughout the duration of the game. There were...
  14. DrFronkensteen

    Fuck yeah!!

    Fuck yeah!!