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  • To everybody looking at klovns profile, go away pls he is my kanguroo so goodbye!!!!!!
    I want a unban i always do it and i admitting yes i did shot it with one bullet but he still got it up easy but leader is the main person that you should be banning because he wreaked the whole of it and now i think that i should have a unban for what i did and this is my half term holiday this is the only time i can play for a long time. i am still a beginner and im learning still what is right and what is wrong play can you unban me pls pls pls pls pls pls pls i don't want a long boring half term with out my best friends para and all the admins. im still trying to get to know all the rules still. yes i know the teaming one yes i know the swearing one but i dont know the barricade one yet. thats all really pls i beg you to unban me thx again angel deathking para's b****
    You can ban me back end ? Advaldo is offline .. can even just by reading what he wrote in the forum
    Hello, i got banned and i want an unban because its not true that i was teaming. I spawned at the Base as a Human at cbble and some zombies attacked me so i knifed them away. I am always doing it but i dont think that this is teaming. Please Unban "illuyshin" STEAM_0:1:50726382 Thanks
    Hallo Klovn,

    Wollt mal fragen wann meine features aktiviert werden mein premium für 3 monate wurde schon aktiviert nur noch der rest fehlt hab bei der anmeldung auch Steam ID mit angeben wenn es trzdm fehlt kann ich es nochmal mitangeben.
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