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  1. Janno Norbaten

    In-game voice chat too quiet

    plz fix
  2. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing ]zm_8chambers_reloaded_v1

    hi , here is a new 8chambers, its more hunter friendly and has a new , more bright, design (portal design). - you can now check through the glasswalls if zombies there and shot them through. - enterences are also wider ( no doors anymore ) - some spots were changed only a few, to balance the...
  3. Janno Norbaten

    zm_winterfun_v1 for c

    Original Map zm_winterfun_b4a by Moo ( creator of cbble ) its not the best map , any kind of special or a eye candy. i want to provide a Winter map , only for the Winter time . I optimized the map for the Hunting server , balanced the spots and made the floors larger like in zm_officeattack...
  4. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded] zm_siberia - very special winter time Update

    Hi this map is a suggestion for the Winter/ Chrismas maps , its a special Version of zm_Siberia. Normaly this map is very unfair for zombies and can get really boring, thats why i added some special stuff to balance the map : - A Bus , which all players can drive , it has a drive time...
  5. Janno Norbaten

    Invalid [CS:S ALL/CS:GO ZM] Report a player: DarkWarrior

    Name DarkWarrior SteamID STEAM_0:0:107091355 Server [CS:S] Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date 9.11.2022 Report Reason Disruptively spamming Additional Information The Player repeatedly trolls admins...
  6. Janno Norbaten

    [uploaded 4 testing] New Hunting map : zh_hangum

    Most people would know this map , its a old one. i optimized it for zombie hunting , its 10% bigger as the original and has wider bridges. - secrets : ghost zombie and a the plasma shield weapon from dust_1
  7. Janno Norbaten

    [online] The new zm_aztec

    The New Aztec based on bearjews 64 player aztec map ,with the lastest fixes but i chosed a new thread because the map got a lot of structure changes and maybe bearjew like to work further on his version. - optimized for hunting, but also add 2 new camp spots. no music , no special items this...
  8. Janno Norbaten

    [online] zm_undergrounds_eh_v2

    performance optimizations I removed the outside map part (was bad for hunting) added a chicken and smoke suit some crates [6] are now movable , to use it as climb help ( for zombies) i hope this map will added again in the normal vote list. happy hunting Das Huhn
  9. Janno Norbaten

    by GD : zm_GD_Headquarter_v2

    wtf, I found crazy cool new (8 years old) map 64 Player and was a offical Ghost Division map ( this means it got tested by a Server/clan ) Its has a lot of fair spots and a good structure with wide ways, thats also optimal for hunting. Orginal Link:
  10. Janno Norbaten

    Orginal: zm_office (64 Player)

    not my creation :
  11. Janno Norbaten

    zm_Rig ,new map 2021

    not my creation but looks pretty nice (i know a similar map exist)
  12. Janno Norbaten

    Zombie Server gets ruined by missmanagment !

    Aktuell bestimmen 35% der spieler durch ein RTV welche map gespielt wird. Das ist ein katastrophe und unfair für den großteil der Spieler , diese sind frustriert und verlassen ggfs den Server. Diese Auswirkungen sieht man auch in den Player stats siehe "Grafik". Das zweite Problem ist das...
  13. Janno Norbaten

    HLStatsX: Weapon modifier change Killer Points = Killer Points + (Victim Points / Killer Points) × Weapon Modifier × 5 Currently all weapons bring 3 points (Weapon Modifier) my suggestion ,change : autosniper down to 2 points pistols up to 6 points...
  14. Janno Norbaten

    More VIP human Player skins

    I like it when i can identify friends and other players that i know on their skins. Sometimes you can directly recoginze this player is pro , with him you can alive or win this round or on the other hand he would be a hard enemy. here are a few examples of skins i would prefer ...
  15. Janno Norbaten

    [online] zh_dust_1_epic_v7_2

    some player ask for more standard maps like zm_ dust2_64. I converted de_dust into a zombie map with 64 player places and add some experimental stuff.
  16. Janno Norbaten

    New hunting map zm_ghost_ship_beta

    I have created a creepy hunting map for all who love to hunt. This Map has a one-way principle, so humans can defend and hunt zombies really easily. I hope I reach also campers and noobs to like hunting.
  17. Janno Norbaten

    [added] zm_pyramid_huhn_final (updated)

    Hi, i am new here in the Forum. Today i want to present you my first map for CSS_ZH it is a beta and it is not Full compiled, it need to much time :(.