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  1. DrFiction

    [uploaded 4 testing] [New] zm_eh_cbble_cyberpunk_v1

    Everything in the video : - News props News textures News Decals News designs New Way + One spot. Etc ... [You can't go inside the McDonald, if you like it I can make the Mcdonal open in the next update]. Do'Jor'F bsp zip : (100Mb). I'm stopping my activities (mapping) for a moment. have fun.
  2. DrFiction

    [online] zm_subway_v1

    Hello, I have recently talked with some players asking if they want to see some new(s) map(s), And someone asked me if it's was possible to add the map zm_subway by atMu (his map here : Gamebanana) I have fixed the spawns and optimised the map. Here the bsp : It's can be very nice to see...
  3. DrFiction

    [uploaded 4 testing] ZM_WESTWOOD_SUMMER

    Hunters! After a long work. Here is.. Westwood into Summer theme! I have retextured the entire maps. (Except some props). Outside, inside the building, everything. So what's news and... how it's look ? Before to show you the pictures of the map. Here is what I added : + News textures + News...
  4. DrFiction

    [fix needed] ZM_MARBBLE_SUMMER

    Hello HunterZ, Here is another map into Summer theme, today it's... as you can see on the title, Marbble ! A lot of thing has been added since the last map CBBLE_Summer. News Props One Secret added (Skybox during 20secondes). News decorations / Neons effects (Decals too). Reworked some rooms...
  5. DrFiction

    [fix needed] ZM_CBBLE_EH_SUMMER

    Hello ! Since I play on Elite HunterZ, the map the most played is Zm_Cbble_Eh. So I decided to make a Summer theme for the pleasure of players and me. I didn't have modify anything, only textures and props has been added. The gameplay still the same. But with another ambiance. PICTURES : +...
  6. DrFiction

    [Easter] [New] zm_cbble_easter_eh.

    Hello Hunterz, It was in no way in my project to make a map in this theme, but I got a lot of fun it as well as for you, so here is a map in the Easter theme, - A 3D skybox - Kinder Surprises that will give you lots of hp (humans only), as well as a color stain! (NOTE: Once all the kinders on...
  7. DrFiction

    Zm_eh_palace_final_xmas [New]

    Hello, I'm happy to announce that I finished palace in Christmas version. After a long time of various additions, whether by textures / props / details, the finality remains impressive, I therefore show you some photos, as well as a video, to show you, the events to add. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE...
  8. DrFiction

    [Winter Xmas] Players, give me your ideas for the next Christmas!

    Hello everyone. I start a new post here, and of course, everyone are welcome to answer! Much peoples appreciates the server, and the feedback on the Halloween theme was very nice, a real pleasure for me, so I will make the following maps in Christmas version: - zm_azduextinction -...
  9. DrFiction

    [added] zm_eh_prison_tower_edited5

    Hello, small update about zm_eh_prison_tower. Why a new update ? - I fixed one spot and one "glitch" (about speed). The spot was definitly impossible for zombie to kill any humans, even underground, not possible to climb up to kill. What did I added ? - Ladder (underground) - One wall is now...
  10. DrFiction

    [online] zm_eh_fast_final_hallow

    Some improvement for this map! - Vending machine texture replaced by the new version 2022 Halloween. Fence has been removed to the original version. Pipe are now closed. (no picture). Here the bsp :
  11. DrFiction

    [online] zm_eh_tr_worzel_hallow

    One spot has been reworked, it's was to OP for humans I added a tunnel and some spawns has been modified (Some T can spawn now into the CTs spawn.) Here the bsp :
  12. DrFiction

    [online] zm_eh_palace_final_halloween_v1

    Here palace into halloween map! No secrets has been added but one event has been added (only admin can activate the mod). Some news props has been added ! (Coffin / paints / Tower / statues...) Here some pictures ! Here the bsp :
  13. DrFiction

    [added] zm_eh_palace_final_v12

    Map has been more Optimised. DoJor'F
  14. DrFiction

    [online] zm_eh_rush_hallow_v1

    Hello, there is the new version for EH_rush. MAP : What's news ? New props added Admin room added. Sword Slowian added. Halloween mod added (Only in admin room). DoJor'F
  15. DrFiction

    [online] zm_eh_marbble_hallow_v1

    Here we go for an another version of marbble special Halloween. Here some pictures about the map. MAP : Map has been more optimised Vending machine retextured for EH (Halloween Theme) 3 secrets added. Note : This is the v1, if you encounter some problem about missing textures / overlay...
  16. DrFiction

    [online] Zm_eh_4way_hallow_v1

    Hello Hunterz. I'm glad today, to show you 5 days of pur works. The map 4way has been designed in the theme of Halloween. I'm going to show you some pictures about the map. Before let's introduce what I add : +10 Props / models added (Imported by myself). Custom textures / custom Overlay...
  17. DrFiction

    [Halloween] [Small Update] zm_eh_tr_farm3_hallow_v2_fix

    Hello, there is a little update about 2 things. (Picture). On v1, the spot with the soda and boohshelf was very hard for zombie, almost not possible. I deleted soda and bookshelf to replace by only one sofa. "No one props can be here", I added a Trigger_remove, no one props can be...
  18. DrFiction

    [fix needed] zm_eh_cbble_hallow_v2_3

    Hello, I fixed some spots. (Some pictures). I removed two decorations because : It's adding another way for zombie to kill humans (and destroy the spot) And seconds, let's keep the original place. No need to change. On demand : We can now climb on the metal box, to jump in the spot...
  19. DrFiction

    About me ?

    Hello, here my introduce myself. My name ? Where I come from ? My name is Killian, I'm from France. For how long have you been playing on our servers? I don't know when exactly, but I think had joining your server since 2021. Are you a dedicated zombie hunter or do you enjoy playing other...
  20. DrFiction

    [test needed] Zm_crazycity_v2 Improvement.

    Hello, after seeing the SynthX post about the map of crazycity, on some spots, I decided to modify and add some things, here they are : [This spot is now equal, Zombie can break the glass, Humans can shoot on the glass (Bullet penetration without breaking the glass) for defend two sides]...