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  1. Lotus

    March Map Testing

    This thread is made to go along with the announcements post which you can read here, If you have any opinions about the testing throughout the month or any other suggestions for things we could look into doing in the future...
  2. Lotus

    Current Map List + Special Map List (and updates) (V3)

    Last edited Aug 9, 2024 Normal Nomination List Special Map List
  3. Lotus

    [online] zm_valley

    Another map that doesn't appear to have 64 spawns. If someone can fix that this map can be placed back onto the special map list. Thanks again :)
  4. Lotus

    [online] zm_fidlers_green_fix2

    Hello mappers, seems like this map doesn't have 64 spawns. If someone could fix that sometime that would be much appreciated so this map can be added back to the special map list. Thanks :)
  5. Lotus

    Handled+ Unban Request: lil eagle

    Ingame name lil eagle SteamID STEAM_0:1:107255308 Ban reason smurf Unban reason ye remember when niko was all upset about people playing on their smurfs as admins for god knows what reason? yep well i just recalled this ban in particular. dont really care about it getting unbanned but...
  6. Lotus

    Handled+ Ungag Request: lotus

    Ingame name lotus SteamID STEAM_1:0:58266773 Gag reason :) Ungag reason So guess dpexx is spa now, thats cool. Good luck mate, you'll need it :). Maybe you can try and be the one to talk with niko now but iineyy couldn't do it idk who can. Hope ye enjoy being spa for those 18 people across...
  7. Lotus

    Handled+ Ungag Request: lotus

    Ingame name lotus SteamID STEAM_1:0:58266773 Gag reason does anyone other than niko actually agree with this? Ungag reason Don't you just love this bot that killed the servers that no one agrees with that never got fixed despite promises to fix it back in like April? Real nice bot this is :)
  8. Lotus

    Handled+ Ungag Request: lotus

    Ingame name lotus SteamID STEAM_1:0:58266773 Gag reason stupid bot Ungag reason member when this was gonna be fixed like 8 months ago? I member
  9. Lotus

    Happy Birthday Ceddy

    Happy birthday you old chap :D
  10. Lotus

    Fracturing my elbow

  11. Lotus

    Handled Ban Request: eray & weedy

    Name eray & weedy SteamID STEAM_0:1:15116902 & STEAM_0:0:11140292 Server Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date Now Ban Reason Teaming Additional Information Not much to say lol Proof Demo
  12. Lotus

    Handled Ban Request: Pork Gyros (Big Pitta)

    Name Pork Gyros (Big Pitta) SteamID STEAM_0:1:9441303 Server Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date 5 minutes ago Ban Reason Teamkilling Additional Information I was in between recording demos when this fellow clearly teamkilled in the elevator so I started up a quick recording and saw him blatantly...
  13. Lotus

    Handled Ban Request: X-Ico Sniper & Royalty

    Name X-Ico Sniper & Royalty SteamID STEAM_0:0:22044873 & STEAM_0:1:190672616 Server Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date Now Ban Reason Teaming, Game/Map exploit Additional Information Demo is a little long, but you can see sniper run boost at the start as zm, but then as a ct he refuses to rb up to...
  14. Lotus

    Handled Gag Request: Dr.House M.D.

    Name Dr.House M.D. SteamID STEAM_0:0:26380505 Server Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date Now Gag Reason Racism Additional Information 2017-05-23 01:58:56 MOTHER FUQIER NIGGQER !. Zombie Hunting by ElitE HunterZ...
  15. Lotus

    Ban Request: gothluv

    Name: gothluv SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19301911 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 9:20PM EST Reason: Reconnecting, Blocking Additional Information: This guy was intentionally blocking on 4way yesterday when I was playing so I was spectating him and recording and managed to catch him...
  16. Lotus

    Ban Request: kamikaze, it's nothing personal, generalg

    Name: kamikaze, it's nothing personal, generalg SteamID: STEAM_0:1:26879247, STEAM_0:1:23675447, STEAM_0:0:22745524 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 8:15PM EST Reason: Teaming Additional Information: As you can see in the video kamikaze has just respawned. He goes to a...
  17. Lotus

    Ban Request: Kenzo

    Name: Kenzo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:162102324 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 7:45PM EST Reason: Teaming Additional Information: Not going for ct's, knifing zombies, getting knifed by ct's Stats: Bans...
  18. Lotus

    Ban Request: paf

    Name: paf SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55695831 Server: Zombie Hunting V1 Time and Date: 6:10-7PM EST Reason: Blocking Additional Information: Was checking out a possible hacker (banned by soph) and kept running across this guy blocking. Was too lazy to go through all of my hour recording for the...
  19. Lotus

    My Go-Karting

    So the go-karting season has started back up for me and I decided to put my ol' GoPro onto my kart and record most of my sessions and throw them up onto YouTube for a bit of self-entertainment. This video is just Spring Training, my first actual race will be next weekend. I know the sound...
  20. Lotus

    About people applying for admin

    Recently I have seen at least 5 people post multiple applications, whether it be a few days after the first, or right after the first and you think the first didn't go through, please do not post multiple applications. There is nothing stopping you from applying over and over again if you so...