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  1. S

    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Why you set one week and you change it to two month ? Just because it's the 8th ban ?
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    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Okay so I won a bonus, genial !
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    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Name: Tyler Durden SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20450439 Ban reason: tk(knifing zombies into humans) Unban reason: I was ban by Kiwi, yes when he doesnt play, he spent his time in spectator on me, interessant life, brief. I just cut one time a zombie as human, after that, no warning, just "i will...
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    Ban Request: Prof Loned

    Name: Prof Loned SteamID: In the console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 31/01/2015 Reason: Barricade destroying Additional Information: Barricade destroying between tick 58000 and 63000, he did it two times. Proof: Demo
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    Ban Request: TROFIM and Falcata

    Haaa perfect ! It just the beginning :D
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    Ban Request: TROFIM and Falcata

    Name: TROFIM and Falcata SteamID: In console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 29/01/2015 12h30 12h45 Reason: Blocking, Teamkilling, Barricade destroying Additional Information: I missed lot of ban untill now, but it's over, Tyler is a real good police guy ! As usual on...
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Arf, I knew it... Second time I missed him ! Thank you to have spent times to watch demos ;)
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Name: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk SteamID: See in console Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 28/01/2015 23h / 00h Reason: Insulting/Swearing, Blocking, Barricade destroying Additional Information: HE STARTED AGAIN ! I have 2 demos of this guy who deserves seriously a ban ...
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    I don't think so... Watch the demo, I aim the guy so you can see his name ;)
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Oai j'ai vu ça en jouant juste après. Je ne pouvais pas me tromper, drapeau français, localisation France, et DA FRENCH BOI, il y aurait eu un soucis si tu ne parlais pas français :)
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Comment avoir son SteamID ? Il faut accéder à sa page Steam ? (Parfois les pages sont privées alors...) Et pourquoi dois-je faire "status" dans la console ? C'est ce qui m'indique le SteamID de chaque joueur et permet une vérification de votre côté ?
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    Ban Request: NOX The One

    Name: NOX The One SteamID: 123456 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 24/01/2015 17h10 Reason: Blocking Additional Information: This time, I have a demo haha ! Please, give to this guy some holiday ! Tyler becomes a good boy... Proof: Demo
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Okay but one question for the demo. If the player do a bad act and i start to record just after, so we couldn't see the "bad act" ? I will try to be less annoying. But Tyler often does some spectacular kills and it's impressive !
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Okay I note, but watch this guy, it wasn't the first time, i saw him do it everytime. By the way, how can i record to make a demo ? With Fraps ? So i need to record my game everytime ? For my troll/provoke, it's the Tyler personality. I play a game in the game. I think you know Tyler Durden ...
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    Ban Request: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk

    Name: Lonesurvivor|mandown'uk SteamID: 123456789 Server: Zombie Hunting V3 Time and Date: 19/01/2015 13:15 Reason: Blocking Additional Information: Lonesurvivor always block ladder or something like that. Was on 4way, you can check my chatlog, i saw lonesurvivor blocks the ladder and i said...
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    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Okay, so to resume, it's good for me, no provocation so you see that Kiwi inflates alot things about me. Wouaw surprise, he knows that he can't win on this board, so what ? He searchs all my chatlog (what a life by the way). Yeah I had insulted in french, but I just answerd to an other annoying...
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    Unban Request: Tyler Durden

    Name: Tyler Durden SteamID: STEAM_0:0:20450439 Ban reason: inappropriate language, racism and very provocative against admins. Unban reason: Admin present : Kiwi and Easy. The situation : ThaBlackCat use the word "". I warn him "be careful you will get a ban to use the word...