map fix needed

  1. easy

    [online] zm_forgotten_town_v2

    Hello Mappers, maybe you guys wanna fix a few spots on this map, to give it a comeback chance. 1. This underground spot is unbeatable and needs an urgent fix. For example there should be a prop blocker or maybe make all grid breakable 2. This spot is almost unbeatable if the prop is placed...
  2. sxmity

    [fix needed] Uncommon 4way elevator bug.

    The issue at hand wasn't discovered until I do You can check for yourself in today's video below. (As the video format file is enormous, the forum received an error message, once again.)
  3. easy

    [added] zm_officeattack_b5a

    Hello mappers! two small fixes needed please. 1. can you add a prop blocker in this little room at the left side to prevent heavy camping here? 2. (same screenshot / nice to have) Is it possible to add a feature so admins can see in chat who closed the bars (both levels)? If not: Is it...
  4. easy

    [added] zm_officerush_v5

    Hello mappers! Small fix needed on our newest officerush version. Please make the wall next to the entrance (left or right side, i dont think it's critical which side) breakable. Maybe use the same damage like on lila_beach's secret spot - which is proven to be a good wall damage ;) Please...
  5. easy

    [online] zm_cbble_eh_xmas_v1

    Hello mappers! A small fixed needed for our cbble xmas version. Please change the entrance to the cage spot like on our current standard version. Ps. Please dont touch the map otherwise without making suggestions as it is perfectly balanced at the moment and very popular. Thank you in advance!
  6. easy

    [added] zm_little_italy_v3

    Hello mappers! Our v3 map needs a small fix. Can anybody close this entrance to the basement completely? The spot is - apart from being a glitch camp spot - pretty useless anyways. Please also remove those props in the building, they are not used to build a barricade anyways, they are only...
  7. SyntX


    This spot is abit bugged most of players getting stucked here i dont know why?
  8. easy

    [added] zm_desertprodigy_b3

    Hello mappers, a small fix needed on zm_desertprodigy_b3. Didn't took ourplayers long to find out this glitch again (I hoped it will take them longer^^): Should hopefully be an quick fix by preventing props being shot into this spot. Maybe any mapper wants to help?
  9. easy

    [added] zm_azduextincion_acp_v3_fix

    Hello mappers! unfortunately players can reach an unvisible wall at zm_azduextincion_acp_v3_fix - we need your help to fix this bug:
  10. easy

    [added] zm_temple_v2

    Hello mappers, here we go with another map that needs fixes. As is cant be won by zombiez at the moment this map is endangered to become a special map again. Here are spots I detected - if you have more in mind or any ideas how to fix them, let me know. 1. Decrease the freeze-out time to open...
  11. easy

    [online] zm_eh_prison_tower_edited2

    Hello mappers! We got another map to fix. It is highly endangered to be removed from v3's nomination list as it is very unfair towards zombiez. I noticed the following spots that need a fix: 1. The roof can only be reached from one side. It needs at least 1 other entry. Maybe a rb ramp from...
  12. easy

    [uploaded 4 testing] zm_roy_highway_fix4 / zm_eh_highway_final_v1

    Hello mappers! Another map from current v3's nomination list needs some fixes. This map i sincedible unfair towards zombies, team fatty cant win it unless it is at night and few players are around. This map is highly endangered to become a special map if not fixed. The main issue is easy: Map...
  13. easy

    [fix needed] ZM_Krusty_krab_a3

    Hello map makers! This map needs some fixes. Here is what I noticed: 1. The sodas are glitchy. Either close this spot at all (all it does it causing problems: If used fair the cade is shot down, if glitch is used it is almost unbreakable). I recomment to simply remove the button inside to...
  14. easy

    [online] zm_clouds_v2_1

    Hello map makers! There are some small issues with clouds that needs to be fixed. 1. Camping fattiez should lose a lot of hp in secret room. I noticed that smart zombiez simply camp there and dont go out anymore for the rest of the round, giving them an unfair advantage: 2. Replace 2 sodas...
  15. easy

    [online] zm_little_city_v7_roy

    Hello map makers! Due to issues this map has been removed from nomination list. To bring it back it needs some fixes (probably there are more problems, those are the ones I remember): 1. Remove the laterns that i marked - or make them non solid so players can't use it to camp on balcony...