4 way tunnel elevator bug

Hail To The King Baby

Ex Admin
1 Aug 2015
On the 4 way tunnel there is a bug on at the elevator at spawn:

CT can crouch under the elevator and camp there with the elevator as "roof" so zombies cant get them.

In old map versions, it was possible to run up on second floor and call up the elevator - this is not possible now.

I guess either it should be possible to call elevator from 2.nd floor, or perhaps CT should be able to die, when elevator is comming down on them ?

I would vote for the last option, because it could bring more zombies to the round :)

Hail EH :)


Ex Admin
22 Feb 2015
With old versions it was also able to drive upwards from bottom (the button inside the elevator was just partially hidden through the elevator but still working).
Just like you I also thought about the option that the elevator can kill people when they block that elevator but that might result in another risk: Teamkilling.
When the elevator is moving up and one player inside the elevator jumps on a second player, that second player would block the elevator in a 'passive' way and would therefore be killed by the elevator. Therefore I would avoid that solution, we better try to make it just as it has been before.
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