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Active Member
13 Sep 2010
hey i was gaged permanently today by "admin" maxgs...i want you to take away his rights or make him stop gagging everyone he dont like!!!!

i watched it for over 2 months now that he is gagging alot of people and escpecially me i was gaged today twice for about over 2 maps for NOTHING!!!!
someone has said"oh we have admin"i said "no we only have one with rightsXD"
the confusig thing is that this was a confusing jokebecause being admin and having rights are the same but maxgs dont know what jokes are i think i dont know!he said im taking admins in a bad light for the players????

!LOL!how crazy ´can this be i even didnt recognize him at server hahaha!

hes no good admin at all:
1. hes very insulting(see other thread pls)
2. many players are complaining about him(see many other threads)
3. he is abusing his rights
4. see 1.-3. again pls!!!!

i dont know if you really need an admin like her really!!!!!!
again pls take her rights away shes is abusing her rights as admin!

many have complained about admins slapping themselves but this is not as gagging so pls stop this "admin" from abusing his rights pls!!!!!

here you go
ull will see how he gags me again for 2nd time no reason(at 15:48+!saying him not to gag me otherwise i will report him......GAG!!!!what a childish reaction!!!!

hahah ur laughing about the one guy here spamming and raging(tegocalderon) hahah u would do the same!

Date Message Server Map
2012-05-16 15:49:41 !resetscore.
2012-05-16 15:49:01 gag me again for no reason and ull see.
2012-05-16 15:48:21 if you gag me again i will report ur abuse.-->this was on cbble, one map later!!!!
2012-05-16 15:47:45 rtv.
2012-05-16 15:47:30 !zstuck.
2012-05-16 15:46:47 no we dont have an admin we have one with rights.


2012-05-16 15:50:24 cant wait.
2012-05-16 15:50:21 so go ahead and report me.
2012-05-16 15:50:14 !gag jaiel.
2012-05-16 15:50:08 making them look bad in front of players.
2012-05-16 15:49:58 killer jaiel go ahead and report me cuz i am about to gag you since you talking shit about admins and giving them a bad name.
2012-05-16 15:48:39 go ahead.
2012-05-16 15:48:36 !gag jaiel.
2012-05-16 15:47:08 !gag killer.

its jsut funny how dumb his reasons are to gag me...ull see my next ban will be by for being killed by me or just for looking at him.....he is funny i swear to god!!!!

but seriously if u HA dont see how unprofessional he act i dont know than you dont deserve so many players on your servers.....i just hope one day there will be more admins on v3 to see his childish act...

so pls make sth

and oh maxgs pls show us the demo where u have banned poor "senior" for multihack there is no in the ban as i see and for perm bans u need a demo!!!pls add it

and also hor /hunter/87 i wanna see one

also onyx pls

and also tronix pls

so u have made 4 perma bans(not including my one who was unbanned because of your childish reason hahahahahahhahahahaha)
pls add the 4 demos otherwise unban theese poor guys pls!


From what I see (you making snide comments about Maxgs in chat) you were muted for a reason.

This is NOT abuse, and in my eyes Maxgs IS acting professional.

His other bans are NOTHING to do with you, and he only needs to upload a demo if the player, or a HA, or anyone else important queries the ban.

Please stop being annoying (yes, I'm tired of your non-stop topic spam) and try to behave and you wont be banned, simples.
seriously he will keep on going if you dont stop him!!!!!
im not spamming for nothing its a pitty i have to do it but this shows how he is ruining the gameplay gor me on purpose!!!!!

this gag was without reason!!!!
and nevertheless he gaged me after i have said that i will report his behaviour so i do this right now....name the reason in this gag crisxp pls!!!!!

and be honest was this really deserved!?for making a joke not concerning him(i didnt recognize him)?i eman i have said"we have no admin we have one with rights" where is the snide comment here?u are admin when u have rights when u have rights u are admin!
this is confusing...but f*** it...i have sth else to do then to report every stupidity he makes lol...i have lost THE GAME again(if you know what i mean)

i will keep it in mind never ever say anything on server else i will get perma ban by max again got it!!!!thx crisxp i owe you;)
Glad to hear that..

You could have at least spelled my name correctly..
Ok i have numbers of reasons to gag you 1-cuz i obviously dont like you since you were heavy insulting me over steam and you are very known as a rulebreaker 2- you always anoy me like this "maxgs my friend......,whats up bro do you feel good?.,what u wiill gag me when i talk to you?your admin i must tALK TO YOU.,maxgs did i block u this time?.,yes he became zm yess.,oh no one admin i dont like is on oh no.,and so on...3-You always try to make me look bad in front of players by calling me cheater by saying that i have a bhop script and so on...so yea my conclusion is you have nothing to tell/report to me and i made it clear by telling you that i dont wish to speak to you but you kept anoying...So thats what you get and if there was permanent gag i thik you would deserve it as no1 else cuz you always insult...
Ok and about those so called poor guys that i banned permanetly i just forgot to upload the demos..but anyway i uploaded them so go take a look and tell me how poor they are^^
Ok i have numbers of reasons to gag you 1-cuz i obviously dont like you since you were heavy insulting me over steam and you are very known as a rulebreaker 2- you always anoy me like this "maxgs my friend......,whats up bro do you feel good?.,what u wiill gag me when i talk to you?your admin i must tALK TO YOU.,maxgs did i block u this time?.,yes he became zm yess.,oh no one admin i dont like is on oh no.,and so on...3-You always try to make me look bad in front of players by calling me cheater by saying that i have a bhop script and so on...so yea my conclusion is you have nothing to tell/report to me and i made it clear by telling you that i dont wish to speak to you but you kept anoying...So thats what you get and if there was permanent gag i thik you would deserve it as no1 else cuz you always insult...
Ok and about those so called poor guys that i banned permanetly i just forgot to upload the demos..but anyway i uploaded them so go take a look and tell me how poor they are^^

i didnt even read this but....hahahahhahahaha ...dont waste my time pls!
dont you ever gag me again and i will keep an eye on you i have read your chat again for this day and some pussy and nap comments i have seen are not very nice from you so keep your motuh clear ok?

chrisxp...chrisxp...chrisxp...i got it!;D
Lol listen here son first i am the one who is going to watch and second you are the one who is wasting my time here and go wash your filthy mouth cuz in private you talk like this
"axgs: sry if you meant to ofentd me but mom jokes just got old so come up with something better lmao
Maxgs: haha
Maxgs: grow a dick first lmfao
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: im not joking u little bitch im serious
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: fuck you kid
Maxgs: rofl
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: you know
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: i wasnt blocking but u scumbag banned me because u got kiilled
Maxgs: see i knew that you were full of shit and again you proved me righr
Maxgs: right*
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: u know im right u motherfucker
Maxgs: yea ofc lmao
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: im motherfucker too.....i fuck ur mum
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: yeah kiddy u raged thats all
Maxgs: ...
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: say you are wrong omg
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: i just hate myself how nice i talked to you lol
Maxgs: i wont say it lmao cuz i was right
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: hahaha
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: you fucking son of a bitch fuck you enjoy ur admin power
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: but keep your motuh clear or you ll get banned i will watch you
Maxgs: well it's obvious that you an ass licker and you tryind evrything but as i said it wont work on me lmao
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: ur tending to insult so it matter of time
KiLLeR-JaiEL-365: yeah i jst didnt want to wait but honestly u wouldnt do same?
Maxgs: i insulted you once and that was when i called you fag"
Take care and dont forget im watching you!
oh boy some one lock this please?
its going to be ridiculous now...did i spell that right hahahaXD
nice u have saved our steam chat lol am i have to be afraid of police standing in front of my door next morning because oc cybermobbing hahah?
but srsly close it and shut it max pls!
Nah i havent saved it i just posted it on admin forum for lolz so other admins could see what kinda of S***t is playing on their servers.
You are the one who started this here and now you telling me to shut it?Your funny...Next time you rage go punch a pillow but dont spam the forum...
Lol i didnt saved it i posted it on admins forum so they can see who you truly are and dont tell me to shut it cuz you are the one who started it.
\\edit some1 delete it cuz i dubble posted it ;p
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Next time you rage go punch a pillow but dont spam the forum...

nice u took also my words...i think u have learned much from me im proud of you!
i really like you bro...no im serious dude
i know im such a SHIT thank you, youre very nice person btw thats what i wanna hear from an admin like you words like f*** y*** m*** and s**t and other ***** words are very professional from your side...youre a good admin at all i m sorry that i doupted it!!!!!

love ya bro!:kiss:

edit:nah i know how this chat has been i know you were saying many many nasty things to me especiaaly on russian but ok ill forgive u honey this time because of your beautiful eyes bro your big black beautiful eyes!!!
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nice u took also my words...i think u have learned much from me im proud of you!
i really like you bro...no im serious dude
i know im such a SHIT thank you, youre very nice person btw thats what i wanna hear from an admin like you words like f*** y*** m*** and s**t and other ***** words are very professional from your side...youre a good admin at all i m sorry that i doupted it!!!!!

love ya bro!:kiss:
lmao whats your point here? give us more facts where i abuse my rights and dont spam the forum cuz you are ridiculous..
lol im tired allready bro ok?!
Im not your mom,im not your dad and im definatly not your bro...you got tired?well you gotta finish this first this is abuse report right?So go ahead and give us more facts!
I alredy answered you why you got gaged and i bet i will gag you again if you will keep calling me cheater or making me look bad by lieng that i ban inocent people!
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Just let it go Maxgs.. we know what he's like.
Im not your mom,im not your dad and im definatly not your bro...you got tired?well you gotta finish this first this is abuse report right?So go ahead and give us more facts!

i wanna hug and kiss you....deanburger got it!!!!!thy beanburger i will never ever post sth against maxgs becauese im afraid he will bump it in 2 seconds with hundreds of posts!
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