Denied+ Abuse Report: lotus

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Active Member
22 Sep 2019
Admin's Name lotus
Time and date all day everyday
Server discord
lotus muted me for the first time with no warnings back in November and kicked me before I could even know why because I was asleep. I got into a disagreement with Tyler and I was the only one who got muted (by lotus) despite both of us throwing insults. just now I got banned for idk he never said and once again I didn't get a warning. i know at least 5 other people who I've talked to about him and his power abuse and they all agreed. one of the best admins Puppies became discord moderator for a short time but I understand that he got it removed for arguing with lotus. i believe it was about politics which I know is a rule which he himself posted. this is very hypocritical as the only times he speaks in chat is something about politics and talks to slam someone. nobody has ever told me I'm wrong with my ideas of his being abusive. also a while back a few of the admins were showing their beards and were all complimenting each other but then lotus joined and slaughtered the atmosphere by saying they were unable to grow a proper beard and saying they are ugly (I mean come on look at this guy...) I'm active on discord and I am often involved in conversations but recently I have been getting muted and stuff like that for stuff which everyone does however I'm the only who gets a punishment which I think is unfair. he is not as active as half the people I talk to and he does nothing but ruin the mood therefore I think he should no longer have admin as he only does short tasks and also piss a lot of people off. i have called him a little bitch and clearly it has got to his head which reflects what kind of person he is, if he cant handle getting called a little bitch then how is he meant to survive on a surf server eg utopia. i request to get unbanned and also a derank for lotus as I know many other people in the discord server would also want this. finally I have tried to make tickets on discord and also discuss my issues with him but heinstantly just closes the tickets with no answer. i hope I get a good admin who reads this and not lotus as there will be no chance of urban. love you dpexx .

Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request? Yes

It's sort of ideal that this occurred since I have been meaning to talk with you. So, here we go. I have been keeping up with your chat and behaviour on discord the past few days and it seems to me, that you dont really have any interest in anything other than insulting, threathening and putting down a single individual, coming up with names, slurrs and any other way you can think of to get a reaction from the person who this abuse report is filed against.

This is not acceptable behaviour. Nothing gives you an excuse to be a troll and a rude person, regardless of what wrongdoing you feel has been done to you. Like with my discussions with other individuals, if you felt that any from our team have done wrong, you take screenshots, record videos and bring it forward to us. You however, do not call them cunts, retards, planning to ''tie a noose'' and then expect us to find you to be a trustworthy person and take action against somebody that has done a lot for this community based on your word.

Now that would be hypocrisy. It seems to me that your ban is well deserved and there was no abuse in the last nights ban. Wether there was abuse in the past is also very debatable, but since there is a format to everything and proof is required, I don't really need or feel like I have to make a judgement on such.

What I can judge however is your behaviour last night. Very unnecessary and childish. We do not need that in community chat. Toxicity and aggressiveness are things I will not deal with.

Thank you for your time reading this and Kind Regards.

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which rule did i break tho? he has broken 10x the rules I have as he only talks politics... a lot of people say the same
It's good that you ask.

You have broken the following two rules(in this scenario);

Rule number 3 - No NSFW content: Talking about children and inappropriate scenarios is considered, not safe for work.

For example:

- This is not okay. If you thought it was. Then you were wrong. This one also falls into the next rule you've broken which is;

Rule Number 5 - Harrasment:



Oh and I love this one:

And then we have these ones:


Oh and then there is this one. I find this one especially good:

We could throw others things in here, that could touch on the other rules as well, for example....:

But this one refers to a game and it's more or less just a bad vocabulary and word choices on your part. But that's most of your chat log anyway. I think I've covered most of it.

The ban stands. You can appeal in 1 months time. I do not allow harassment of any member of the community. Now before you rebut this as you did in the discord chat that if somebody can't handle a little insult, how are they supposed to handle Utopia? Simple. The same exact way. Harassment and toxicity are not going to be tolerated here. Things have been allowed to slide with you for a long time. You've reached the limit this time around. Without active provocation, you lash out and dig and dig. You found your treasure.

Case closed.

Kind Regards

i mean i answered splitzeys questions and not all that was about lotus... however yes I stand by my statement, fuck you lotus you down syndrome looking twat who has autism
also the children shit were his words not mine... dont shoot the messenger
danman a little cousin fucking amish gay twat as well. hey dan fuck you for being a little fucking snowflake bitch
but yeah im sad to be banned as it was a good server, you let it get ruined by these little bastards so rip to that
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