Denied+ Abuse Report: paw

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25 May 2018
Admin's Name paw
Time and date 16.5.2019
Server v3
has permanently locked me in Chat just stay nice just because my brother has a permanent gag raichus and we make family sharing

Reporting an abuse is a serious matter. Do you hold all the proofs requested for an abuse request? Yes
Hi, raichu.
I tried asking 2 of our SPAs about something that was related to evasion of bans/family share earlier (One of them last weekend and the other SPA yesterday), but I didn't really get a good answer to my question as only one of them responded when I asked what to do regarding a different player whether or not I should issue a ban I got as an answer "I don’t really care either way". UnfortunateIy I rushed it and went along with what I thought would be right which was stupid of me.

You have been ungagged, but please mind your language in the future which I had to warn you about
Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for clearing things up for us.
No abuse here.
Re-banned from chat (muted for 3 months) - as a last chance to prove yourself.

Don't mix up Paw's kindness with the (wrong) believe of being right in this situation, Raichu (aka. Try to be nice, lil brother or big brother of Raichu) - this account is related to this one. Notice that if you create more accounts (family sharing or new) and continue insulting our players, those accounts will be muted too. We do not tolerate players who permanently insult our players and disturb/destroy the friendly atmosphere on EH.

I am a friend of 2nd, 3rd and sometimes 4th chances. This is your 17th chance. My advice: Use this one, it's your last.
ich checke zwar die hälfte nicht hoffe ich verstehe richtig das der perma gag zu einem 3 Monate gag gemacht wurdde
ich versuche echt mich zu bessern hab ich ja schon bischen in dem ich erst admins im spiel bescheit sagen erst wen die nichts machen und dan auch noch mich dumm anmachen dan werde ich beleidigend ich weis nichtmal da darf ich beleidigen ich verstehe nur nicht für was manche leute admins sind die Garnichts aber wirklich Garnichts machen nicht mal wen sich 20 spieler gegen 1 beschwehren wie gestern bei auto-Rex oder wie er hieß aufjedenfall vielen dank an euch zwei
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