Abuse Report: TheBestio

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It's not impossible to open the door's btw, you just need to know how to do it haha :>

Sorry for spam, should say something usefull.

Well since it's not forbidden admin shouldn't have been teleporting him nuff with that. but getting this serious over a teleport is abit overreacting according to me :)
Yes it is. Its not the toilets on the second floor they are talking about. They are talking about the big toilets. I always mix up the names of the office maps.
Officerush has the small toilets with wooden doors (actually cabinets) that you can open both inward and outward.

Office_outbreak has the toilets with smaller, metal doors we are talking about. Those doors are in fact impossible to open as a zombie when there is a piece of shit on the other side pressing his +use button, as if they spilled some drink on their keyboard that caused it to malfunction or something...

The constant use of +use on the door is supposedly "exploiting the map". I don't know who the mapper is, but I assume he didn't want those doors to be used that way...

As for whether putting a soda machine in a vent on the roof in zm corpse is "exploiting the map" or not, why don't we just ask the map maker (Too Much Guiness) himself? He should be the one to decide tbh.
They are indeed impossible to open, but that's a bit offtopic. HA has spoken and we won't punish for this.

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