Add !nomlist

In Yan

Active Member
4 Mar 2024
Hi, add the !nomlist command to view the list of nominated maps. This will motivate players to stay on the server longer if they see that there is a chance that their favorite map may be selected in the next vote.
Also change the !resetscore command to !rs. Not everyone has the opportunity to bind it, and it would be better if you could write only 3 characters instead of 10 to use it.
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Reactions: easy and Woozu
do you have a link to the nomlist plugin? is it compatible with nominations_extended?
as for rs, that's probably overkill
@Nikooo777 Here:

And for resetscore:


On Line 33
do you have a link to the nomlist plugin? is it compatible with nominations_extended?
Yes, here is the link
the code related to nomlist is located starting from 133 and 783 lines in the directory sm-plugin-mapchooser-extended/addons/sourcemod/scripting /nominations_extended.sp.
as for rs, that's probably overkill
i consider it a beneficial optimization